

By Stanley Collymore
Respect must be earned, I honestly
believe, and doesn’t automatically
come, something I don’t, nor will
I ever accept, with one’s implemented:
obviously very nepotistic or cronyism,
unworthily installed odiously societal
position; far less so the quite asinine
and actually purblind idiotic concept
of this quite formally implanted, and
similarly too, irreversibly permanent
entitlement to it. For proper respect
crucially instinctively does naturally
recognize and quite spontaneously
too, accepts and distinctly admires
that other people: honest, crucially
hardworking, rather commendably
law abiding and likewise evidently
also unquestionably and basically
rather discernibly too, undeniably
literally, similarly uncomplainingly
tax paying persons justifiably too
have every right, and discernibly
natural expectation to be readily
granted the same entitlement to
respect that is very often, rather
routinely, clearly disingenuously
and so generally unwarrantedly
most brazenly, and dishonestly
given to people, who obviously
aren’t worthy of it but evidently
all the same do spuriously get
it, just because of who they’re
quite stupidly perceived to be;
or those, actually in positions
of authority to literally do this,
significantly, corruptly decree
this is aptly how it should be!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
4 March 2023.

Author's Remarks:
If you have to think or even worse still ask what respect is and what type of persons should be the automatic and durable recipients of it, then undoubtedly and most significantly so, you are actually catastrophically and quite odiously a crucial part of the toxically verminous lowlifes that regrettably infest British society and others like it.


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