Author’s remarks:
The inalienable right to genuinely hold personal views and express them, views that are themselves conscionably embedded in the ethical concepts of freedom of expression and the unhindered entitlement to free speech are highly commendable and noble aspects of all actually authentic as well as demonstrably truly aspirant and progressive civilized and democratic societies. Consequently, those who honourably indulge in such worthy conduct should and must be, even if their views aren’t universally or even significantly subscribed to or supported by those to whom they’re dispensed, nevertheless as of right command the full respect of those aforesaid persons if only for the straightforward honesty of those promoting them, as well as actively guaranteed the full protection of that society’s laws.
Not so however, when those who self-servingly and duplicitously rely on such graciously awarded concessions disingenuously, fraudulently or dishonestly make an absolute mockery of this democratically and morally embodied civilized system to perfidiously and most deceitfully undermine that said system with their brazenly instigated hypocrisies and loathsomely flagrant double standards while at the same time openly and deceptively brandishing their insidious and contemptibly bogus moral credentials as proof of their veracity and credibility as they then narcissistically, sanctimoniously and ardently clamour aboard their purposely instigated and self-absorbed bandwagon of lowlife barbarism sinisterly disguised as beneficial aspects or indispensable merits of human civilization.
Something that neither logically, realistically nor in however many light years you or your sort want to calculate it in Julia Hartley-Brewer as it isn’t a feasible likelihood or one that is remotely convincing, not to any astute, well-informed or intelligent person anyway, and especially coming from the likes of people like you who’re proto-fascists to the core of your very existence and conjoined with that are also the evil embodiment and inveterately supportive elements of a society intensely nurtured in white supremacist and xenophobic malevolence and profoundly steeped in colonialist and imperialist ideas.