
Reform Party– A home for Britain’s tiresome, feral and sociopathic inadequates!

By Stanley Collymore
This ostensibly is the radical, and
evidently too, forthrightly British
political party in the offing that
recently actually withdrew membership
from one of its quite upcoming, British
elections candidates, literally because
this said constituency candidate, very
allegedly rather repeatedly refused to
essentially actually acknowledge the
Reform Party’s HQ emails, obviously
routinely sent to him; while naturally
crucially also, similarly being clearly
amiss, in simply likewise answering
their several telephone calls, to him.
Turns out however that there was a
perfectly logical reason actually for
these specifically, odd occurrences
on this actually Reform candidate’s
part, he was really stone cold dead;
but quite importantly really, nobody
clearly at the Reform Party’s HQ, or
even this man’s, local constituency
branch of his party, that pledges to
literally revolutionize politics in the
UK either regarded it as necessary,
or simply actually basically saw fit
to unveil what was really going on!
Objectively, I don’t like Reform an
principally so because it’s simply
very essentially and irrevocably
a populist and very misogynistic entity
that claims to care about, the average
Joe Blogg; when essentially, in actual
effect, it generally distinctly, cynically
and undeniably, hypocritically serves
the general interests of big business
Uniquely so, by actually weaponizing
culture war issues! An evilly process,
where Reform very assiduously gets
the usually, intellectually challenged
racist Karens, and rather likeminded
Gammons to clearly get obsessively
angry and crucially far more hateful
towards non-white immigrants, and
clearly the local British unemployed
for unwarrantedly taking their share
of the British pie; while consciously
and very hypocritically, ignoring the
distinct reality that it’s undoubtedly
undeniably the richest ones who’re
obviously taking the lion’s share of
this significantly specific largesse!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
11 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
The stupidity of openly and distinctively rather discernibly, obviously quite risibly and undeniably very fatuously claiming what is not, and unquestionably clearly simply can't be done by you - REFORM!

Regrettably after discovering their clear blunder in distinctly kicking their actual perspective candidate out of their party, basically obviously for incompetence, although this action crucially took place when the man was essentially dead; it's very reasonable to assume that Reform couldn't actually have reinstated him as their obvious perspective parliamentary constituency candidate clearly after his death, since the UK's electoral rules do distinctly simply prohibit dead persons from becoming MPs although truthfully, it must be said, many of the MPs quite discernibly, in the House of Commons, though purportedly alive, are evidently in all respects, other than still basically being able to breathe are simply more dead than this ex-Reform Party guy!

Nevertheless, Reform could easily have simply submitted him for the House of Lords, where no elections are required, and he would have reciprocally been in excellent company!

#Greed #Hate #Stupidity

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