Author's Remarks:
The stupidity of openly and distinctively rather discernibly, obviously quite risibly and undeniably very fatuously claiming what is not, and unquestionably clearly simply can't be done by you - REFORM!
Regrettably after discovering their clear blunder in distinctly kicking their actual perspective candidate out of their party, basically obviously for incompetence, although this action crucially took place when the man was essentially dead; it's very reasonable to assume that Reform couldn't actually have reinstated him as their obvious perspective parliamentary constituency candidate clearly after his death, since the UK's electoral rules do distinctly simply prohibit dead persons from becoming MPs although truthfully, it must be said, many of the MPs quite discernibly, in the House of Commons, though purportedly alive, are evidently in all respects, other than still basically being able to breathe are simply more dead than this ex-Reform Party guy!
Nevertheless, Reform could easily have simply submitted him for the House of Lords, where no elections are required, and he would have reciprocally been in excellent company!
#Greed #Hate #Stupidity