
Poignant memories combined with sincerest birthday greetings Jeannette!

By Stanley Collymore
Those distant days we made our own have literally flown by
and the several years which inevitably they’ve given rise
to have harmoniously coalesced into an enterprisingly
beautiful and kaleidoscopic reservoir of supremely
rich, fondly enlivening and unquestionably note
worthily charming and enduring memories of
you and me. Memories that on reliving them in my mind
their energizing experiences instantaneously and rather
vividly roll back the several years passed to those
halcyon days first initiated in the quite blissfully
conducive, romantically mesmerizing and, oh
so truthfully, spine-tingling surroundings, of
Rebecca’s Discotheque in our hometown
Reading, Berkshire where we first met,
where courtship and romance were
instinctively triggered and shortly
there afterwards companionably
blossomed into a specifically,
truly vivacious, passionate
and a really reciprocally
loving, relationship.
But Fate, alas, and the private circumstances at the time that
we were both in: you a married lady, though unhappily
so, and with a young family affectionately in tow;
myself having just a couple of years previously
got divorced and still in the process of shaking off that
erstwhile calamity– jointly conspired and, moreover,
regrettably succeeded, adequately assisted by the
evidently challenging situation which we were
unquestionably in, in scuppering the further
progression of the propitiously amorous
but yet, by any unbiased prospect or
optimistic deduction, the truthfully
emergent relationship that had
rather delightfully and quite
encouragingly developed
between the two of us.
Evidently, it wasn’t what either of us honestly wanted but,
all the same, we had to face facts and the glaring reality
of knowing precisely what the devastating impact of
your split from their father would have on your two
delightful children who I’d met, and so for the
overall good of them and despite us being
very much in love with each other we were none the less
starkly aware of both the moral and practical dilemma
we were jointly in. And with neither of us the least
enthusiastically in favour of either indefinitely
or surreptitiously carrying on with an illicit
love affair we painfully but conclusively
honourably and determinedly decided
to bring our personal relationship
to a fitting and dignified end. Soon afterwards
and thankfully as an essential assuagement
from the searing pain which we both felt
within, after our brave but pragmatic
decision, I decided in consultation
with you to procure the offered
opportunity proffered to me
and migrate from England
to Germany and the rest,
as they say, is history.
Eventually, however, the conscientious termination of our
amorous relationship coupled with the now locational
separation that we’d unselfishly, consciously and
selflessly placed between us, enforcedly, and
principally it’s true to say from you and
painstakingly so for the sake of your
children, had a determinedly corrective effect on the
state of your marriage in a number of ways. While
for my part, providentially ensconced, as I was,
in my fresh and romantically unblemished
environment and with the final remnants
of my marriage baggage thoroughly
and permanently dispensed with,
I too was ready for a new start.
A situation which was further strengthened by the excellent
and comforting news that the interminable and seemingly
intractable problems that you were relentlessly having
and were themselves grimly compelling you in the
given circumstances to genuinely want to leave
your husband, were it not most distressingly
for the menaced instability that was likely
possible as a result of you doing so, to
be caused to your adorable children.
Problems that were occasioned in full previous to your
first meeting me, continued thereafter, other than for
those short-lived occasions of respite favourably
granted to us and them when we were together
alone and whose heedless indifference to all
of them your insensitive husband, bearing
in mind that it was him who was directly
responsible for initiating and sustaining
them, were eventually with your final
ultimatum to him and itself coupled
with his belated recognition that
his ongoing and conspicuously
unsatisfactory conduct seriously advanced the
genuine prospect of him losing his children,
abruptly focused his mind on the serious
situation that he was obviously in and
consequently, what was undeniably
required of him if plausibly he
expected to remain a part of
your assimilated family.
Ultimatums, I know, can be and generally are very unpleasant
and even disturbing experiences for those persons forced to
be on the receiving end of them, but employed sparingly,
objectively, wisely and with largely altruistic pursuits
in mind by the user of them can suitably and most
beneficially, as you well understood Jeannette,
be a great fillip and a tremendous force for
good, as sensibly they justifiably ought to be. And your
perceptive knowledge of the latter, my Dear, in that
specific regard was then and still is outstandingly
exemplary. Meanwhile, your well looked after
children have in a glowing compliment to
you, admirably grown up, are all gone
having left home to chase their own
individual ambitions in life; and
you the formerly despairingly
fraught mother with a deep
and quite understandable
anguish for them, and
discernibly yourself,
have providentially
been wonderfully
converted into
an optimistic,
and now a
Someone no longer enforcedly stuck in the past while
rightly dreading the outcome of the future, but have
instead become an amazingly transformed woman
in every imaginably confident way, who with
unbounded optimism and renewed vigour
now indisputably look forward to each
fresh day which opportunely dawns.
And with that optimistically in mind and specifically
for your exclusive and singular day, Friday the 22nd
September 2017, I would proudly like to say all
the very best to you my Dear and, naturally,
wish you a greatly resplendent, exultant,
undoubtedly a tremendously happy
and, of course, a most treasured
together with an amazingly
unforgettable day, and
landmark birthday.
Stanley V. Collymore
18 September 2017.

Author’s Remarks:
Marriage is an estate that not everyone who enters it is suited for or does so with the best of intentions in mind, and not infrequently those intentions that are therefore either concertedly and premeditatedly or even enthusiastically and gratuitously engaged in can quite purposely in nature be surreptitiously malevolent and wilfully inimical to the overall beneficial interests and general welfare of the unsuspecting person who unwittingly and unwarrantedly ends up as the consciously chosen victim of the concertedly evil machinations that specific individual who fraudulently and quite disastrously but, all the same, most influentially for their perverse, selfish and utterly demented reasons talked their way into their target’s life.

And while there’s absolutely no sure-fire way or method to totally eradicate such pernicious incursions into one’s personal life, strict vigilance maintained throughout the initial stages at least of one venturing into an intimate relationship with another person can and does help. As does effectively employing the quite sensible mantra of not taking everything that you’re told for granted or at face value because you’re simply either hopelessly in love, or are even worst still manipulatively, as it happens, controlled into thinking that this ostensibly advantageously permitted entrant into your personal life is unquestionably everything you could possibly and most beneficially hope for. Don’t willingly fall for any of that and always let caution be your personal byword.

And in the interim good luck and continued happiness in your choice of partner should you after serious thought responsibly decide to embark on your personal marital adventure.


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