
Poem: The incomparable Linda Hurrell

By Stanley Collymore

Words can be skilfully crafted and stylishly choreographed to
present a marvellous or even a spell-binding impression but
when carefully scrutinized are sadly found, as the initial
intention of this fake oration always was, to be utterly
meaningless. Also, presents vaingloriously given,
can themselves be nowt more than narcisistically engaged-in
acts of public exhibition. However, noble praiseworthiness
cannot be marginalized, denigrated, compromised or
ever diminished by any wanton display of false
exuberance. So from none of these things,
or other concerns of a similar nature,
you’ve categorically nothing to
worry about or fear Linda,
but instead a great deal
to tremendously be
comfortable with.

For your personal mien and overall character: both
professionally and individually so, are of such
an exemplary disposition that it’s really
unnecessary to even mention what’s
self-evidently apparent, that you
are quite an outstandingly proficient nursing
sister Linda, conjoined, of course, with the
superbly endowed qualities of being a
massively extraordinarily gifted,
charismatic, truly personable,
impressively well educated
woman, and definitely a
most remarkable lady.

Therefore in choosing, as you’ve consciously done, to
retire in your youthful years – a respectful decision
that we fully understand and are very supportive
of – we nevertheless do openly confess that
you will definitely and most sorely be
enormously missed. But in spite of
the innermost pangs of sorrow that your impending
departure will leave in our hearts, minds, fondest
affections and deep-seated recollections; even
so with eternal gratitude all of us, separately
and communally, wish you Linda, your
loving husband and precious family
every single happiness, coupled
with a long future together and
comprised of the very best.

© Stanley V. Collymore
5 February 2019.

Author’s Remarks:
The essence of true friendship and authentic human worth are unquantifiable; but what is genuinely known and readily accepted, is that their marvellous and enlivening conceptions are unquestionably the outcome of an astutely, well-rounded and inspirational environment in which these salient qualities are both assiduously nurtured and supportively reinforced. Thus causing the exceptional and fortunate recipient of these laudable attributes to be distinguishably, and markedly so, vastly separated from the average run-of-the-mill, easily manipulated and invariably strikingly unthinking – due to a pronounced and deeply ingrained inability to either acquire or deploy the requite skills to be otherwise – compliant conformist.

That’s why no one can or would ever dare to crassly accuse you, Linda of being the latter; and why among your many other outstanding attributes you’re so highly and justly regarded. Accounting too, for why as a former British NHS nurse myself, prior to leaving the service and then subsequently becoming an Academic, having always unalterably been a staunch devotee and distinct, deferential admirer of Mary Jane Seacole: herself an unchallengeable proponent and diligent innovator of what have long since been universally recognized and decisively acknowledged as the foundation of modern day, nursing techniques, the significant contributions that you yourself  have also and subsequently made to the nursing profession, Linda will, I’m absolutely sure forever and most gratefully be remembered and revered as your outstanding legacy.

So heartfelt gratitude to you Linda; have a happy and enjoyable retirement; and may God’s bountiful blessings be eternally bestowed on you.

Author’s Remarks:
The essence of true friendship and authentic human worth are unquantifiable; but what is genuinely known and readily accepted, is that their marvellous and enlivening conceptions are unquestionably the outcome of an astutely, well-rounded and inspirational environment in which these salient qualities are both assiduously nurtured and supportively reinforced. Thus causing the exceptional and fortunate recipient of these laudable attributes to be distinguishably, and markedly so, vastly separated from the average run-of-the-mill, easily manipulated and invariably strikingly unthinking – due to a pronounced and deeply ingrained inability to either acquire or deploy the requite skills to be otherwise – compliant conformist.

That’s why no one can or would ever dare to crassly accuse you, Linda of being the latter; and why among your many other outstanding attributes you’re so highly and justly regarded. Accounting too, for why as a former British NHS nurse myself, prior to leaving the service and then subsequently becoming an Academic, having always unalterably been a staunch devotee and distinct, deferential admirer of Mary Jane Seacole: herself an unchallengeable proponent and diligent innovator of what have long since been universally recognized and decisively acknowledged as the foundation of modern day, nursing techniques, the significant contributions that you yourself have also and subsequently made to the nursing profession, Linda will, I’m absolutely sure forever and most gratefully be remembered and revered as your outstanding legacy.

So heartfelt gratitude to you Linda; have a happy and enjoyable retirement; and may God’s bountiful blessings be eternally bestowed on you.


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