Author's Remarks:
There's an old Barbadian saying that those who're unquestionably the most vociferous and vitriolic, while most keen to effectively and readily, obviously jump on any created bandwagon to brazenly and quite blatantly also demonize those that irrefutably plead guilty or are found to be so of any actually pernicious wrongdoing are quite invariably the ones who should likewise be distinctly and thoroughly investigated. Since, clearly what they're basically doing is absolutely a simply odious mechanism to really deflect attention away from themselves, and also what they're undoubtedly quite sickeningly doing!
Asininely trying to persuade the evidently intelligent elements of the world that very obviously all those directly connected with the Daily Mail officially, and undoubtedly in whatever capacity they actually literally do so, rather compounded by their plethora of also likeminded scum commenters rather avariciously making a meal out of the Huw Edward's debacle, on their holier than thou bandwagon as they try to make out rather relative to themselves, when in discernibly obvious reality nothing distinctly could be further from the truth, and I'll offer you an all-expenses paid ski trip to be exclusively spent on a distinctly Barbadian ski resort!
Fucking hypocrites the lot of them! And I'm no apologist for Huw Edward's behaviour! That said, nepotism and the old-school tie does play a considerable part in protecting these sickeningly and very reprehensible creatures masquerading as decent human beings; as does the old cult of freemasonry.