Author’s Remarks:
There’s a rather misguided, wholly unthinkingly subscribed to and dimwittedly accepted misconception that because something has been around for some considerable time, and even occasionally for centuries, that that specific entity ingrained in those involved over all that time and replete with their prejudices and calamitous travesties of life and that in turn have themselves been encouraged, reinforced, consolidated and actively promoted by the elites at the time who arrogantly and even disdainfully deem and unsurprisingly conclude that they owe no explanation of any kind nor, come to that, any allegiance to those whom they unilaterally, self-servingly and uncaringly lord their unilaterally subscribed to, deeply entrenched and confidently inspired, personal interest commitments over, and with whom the aforementioned special-interests groups rapidly and committedly align themselves with, that nothing else needs to be evaluated or taken into consideration by them so long as their individual, joint and constantly reciprocally beneficial and overwhelming wants, with the occasionally relevant requirements intervening, are well catered for.
No discernible recognition by any of them during any of this, in psychologically much less so in concrete terms either, honourably suggesting or seeing the basic requirement on their part for any consultation with or a requisite dialogue between themselves and those whom they quickly and patronizingly dismiss as absolutely undeserving of any such approach or respect, and instinctively regard as consummately beneath them intellectually, physically and in every conceivably social and civilized way.
This, to put it bluntly, is precisely how Oxford University with its chillingly pernicious and elitist mindset has operated ever since its establishment; and particularly good at using and manipulating those who’ve either been idiotically or self-servingly conned or persuaded to align themselves with its invidious practices, has managed to create an almost indestructible chain over the years and centuries of ingratiating and essentially evil cult worshippers, not dissimilar from the Masons, that assiduously ensure those of their kind are well catered for and coupled with the myth of Oxford University’s intellectual and civilized greatness have markedly distorted and even irreparably damaged in a multiplicity of ways the entire fabric of British society.
So assuming and worst still even firmly committing one’s self to the asinine concept that because something has been around for a long time and especially so when that entity has throughout its entire existence done absolutely nothing, and moreover arrogantly feels that it doesn’t have to, to adjust to the relevant and pressing needs of the society or the nation it hypocritically and through its blatant double standards purports to serve is not only brain-dead drivel gullibly consumed by mendaciously manipulated village idiots like YOU but equally too the disingenuous mantra of the privileged elites and their toadying kind who either benefit sumptuously from the crass privileges that Oxford University dispenses to its cult supplicants or those aspiring to become part of that perceptibly moribund, habitually corrupt, overtly and pretentiously lowlife, sewer repository.