
Ours again for the taking!

By Stanley Collymore
The physical and barbaric shackles of the enforced slavery
and appalling bondage of our Black Race may have
somewhat gone away but the painful, humiliating
and malevolent restrictions of inured racism
with their attendant psychological scars
still clearly remain and, in addition, in many cases
still dominantly prevail with the debilitating
mental outcomes and poor self-esteem
problems for countless numbers
of our people. However,
those of us who are
strong, resilient,
and absolutely committed in our labours towards
the achievement of the unrestricted attainment
of human dignity and the complete racial
redemption of our Black Race will,
with every modicum of human
perseverance and endurance at our mutual
disposal carry on with our arduous but
nevertheless cherished task of not
only endeavouring to free our
people physically but also
cerebrally as well from
their psychologically
restrictive shackles
of self-ruination.
Completely convinced, as we most certainly are
in our own minds, that we as a people and a
Black Race – the first ever to emerge on
and freely walk the surface of this Earth – will
again ultimately and permanently in our
endeavours triumphantly prevail
with supreme dignity as the
distinguished human
beings that we
© Stanley V. Collymore
1 August 2019.

Author’s Remarks:
This poem was completely inspired by and proudly written in grateful and commemorative thanks to all those Afro-Caribbean and other Black heroes and heroines – past, present and emergent ones for the future – who altruistically and with unreserved commitment do everything in their respective power to emancipate our people and Black Race in every conceivable regard.

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