
Oh how the high and mighty has fallen, Angela Kelly!

By Stanley Collymore
Angela Kelly is acting like
she deserves a medal or
such like! Significantly
so for what? Literally
putting the knickers
of her undoubtedly
and very distinctly
overtly privileged
employer, having
surely kicked the
bucket Elizabeth
Windsor regina;
on? Go get a life
you odious, WC
and ludicrously
puerile, moron!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
22 May 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Liz Windsor was a multi-billionairess who could have quite substantially set you up for life had she wanted to and if you alleged personal relationship with each other was as you and those who are using you for their own ends are both disingenuously and dishonestly claiming. But Liz Windsor quite clearly didn't! Because she cynically used you to dishonestly convey to the surfeit of serfs that proliferate and infest the UK how inclusive a monarch she was. A state of affairs that didn't exist; as Liz Windsor was both an entrenched snob relative to Britain's so-called working class and that you emanated from Ms Angela Kelly, as well as a very distinctly hardcore racist, but in class inured UK was able to egregiously conceal it quite well.

You served Liz Windsor's purposes well and she USED you; because your sort Angela Kelly readily, stupidly and very intellectually challenged style readily and happily buy into the system; and no one did that more asininely than yourself Angela! An odious social climbing prat to whom the pretended favours and adulation of your rather fatuously believed social betters really do matter emphatically and distinctly significantly far more, or ever will do, than genuine equality of all peoples, meritocracy or democracy. I shan't call you a sell-out as that would indicate that you have the intellect to make an informed choice, which odiously vile sycophants like you Angela don't have the capability or the integrity to comprehend or utilize.

Liz Windsor instead chose to leave her multi billions to the Firm ensuring that the toxic deals she made with previous UK regimes excluded her and them from inheritance tax. And besides she owed you nothing as you were legally an employee and was paid. But the prized cunt you are Angela you even considered yourself more "royal" than the royals themselves; at least those you took to despising like Harry and Meghan because Harry in your sick and twisted mind had the audacity to shame this family of which you stupidly considered yourself to be an integral part, by marrying someone that Karens like yourself regard as a "NIGGER". Someone who brought cultural shame on your precious "royal" family and whose perceived half-breed kids would contaminate them.

Now the classic Stockholm Syndrome prat that the intelligent world sees you as Angela Kelly, bearing in mind your own Liverpudlian- background, don't expect any sympathy from the likes of me, a thoroughly mentally liberated Blackman and have been so all my life.

Most intelligent and sensible people prepare for their own retirement and if fortunate to be paid well and have the money to do so provide their own living accommodation; they don't delude themselves that they're special, an extension of a Middle Ages mindset and thoroughly outdated system that accords those who constitute it still and like yourself a prized prat that has engrossed herself fully into it, regards as fine.

Go and provide your own home, you can afford it, instead of still tenaciously and idiotically clinging to a delusional aspect of what you perceive real life is or should be all about scouser Angela Kelly! Liverpool, whether you like it or not, the backwater entity that became a major British city based exclusively on the Transatlantic Slave Trade industry!

In all honesty Angela Kelly vividly and nauseously reminds me of the racist brother in Catherine Cookson's quite brilliant novel "Colour Blind", which in its dramatized version is periodically shown on British TV, as it was last Sunday and is most definitely worth watching and not only from a truly moral perspective but likewise a most distinctly humanity one.

Alternatively, this pernicious specimen of supposed Homo sapiens could quite permanently get lost or other than that top herself and hopefully for her in the afterlife - she's Irish after all and most possibly Catholic - expectantly link up for eternity with her previously earthly superior leader, Elizabeth Windsor - ensconced as she most certainly is in Hell with her equally dead familial lot - as no genuine, intelligent person would actually care! I know that I won't!

#Greed #Stupidity

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