
Nice one, our Harry! Rather obviously you are evidently quite indomitably your own man! Much Bajan Respect!

By Stanley Collymore
Harry: the only genuinely useful,
very undeniably charming and
equally unquestionably quite
authentically motivated member of the
Windsor, monarchical family, and also
someone who is manifestly and very
markedly so the complete opposite
of clearly boring William, and Lazy
Kate: simply ostensibly conjointly
only, patently ardent obviously in
their aptly embarrassingly totally
racist, and wholly unconvincing
to astute people that is, denial;
rather self-servingly employed
to aptly, personally encourage
the promptly, feasible ovation
and distinctly, ardent support
of vile, likeminded Brexiteers,
patently small-mindedly little
Englanders and undoubtedly
rather ludicrously cocooned,
delusional Empire Loyalists!
Harry’s own approach quite
absolutely, discernibly the
antithesis self-evidently,
of William and Kate’s own narcissistic
noxious endeavours, since irrefutably
on Harry’s part and honestly in rather
marked contrast to Kate and actually
William’s own, it’s distinctly unselfish
service without the attendant bribery
of multiple luxurious houses and the
graspingly acquisition and obviously
really undignified, flauntingly display
of a dead wealthy widow’s jewellery.
Quite obviously therefore, that
Harry is actually doing what
he happily and discernibly
undoubtedly, genuinely wants to do; a
crucially obvious departure then from
the several and clearly surreal diktats
that his aforesaid, imbecilic Windsor
relatives very unquestioningly follow;
basically like, what supermarket they
will pathetically open, and what garb
Kate– or the rest of them, must wear
for doing so, even when the weather
isn’t conducive to their witless attire.
Once more: Nice one Harry Windsor.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
11 September 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Harry is indisputably undiluted energy, and his presence makes these racists and envious haters look undoubtedly like what they patently are - quite dull, distinctly sad and obviously useless people!

While, in marked contrast, Harry and Meghan jointly, actually crucially and obviously unquestionably, instinctively do an excellent job of truly winding up the Daily Mail's irrefutably rather facile dysfunctional Brexit readers and vilely dozy supporters; which literally makes Meghan and Harry unquestionably, in my opinion, obviously psychologically the distinctly most useful members of the Windsor, so-called "royal" family!

#Courage #Inspirational #Motivational #Strength;Integrity!

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