Author's Remarks:
Gps are doing the basic minimum since Covid. And what I find surprising is that this poor unfortunate 16 year old Isabel Connolly-Wellock did actually manage to see one face to face. Undoubtedly, and most essentially, serious changes are quite evidently needed to be made throughout the NHS, as very obviously it's simply not working as it should.
But don't hold your breath on that one, as those who should quite distinctively be implementing such unquestionably necessary changes and have the legal authority to do so, obviously don't ever use the NHS themselves, nor do their family members and close friends, or those whom they very sycophantically do need to impress, like the Windsors for example; as rather essentially they all of them effectively have private care facilities to undoubtedly attend to all of their individual needs; rather dissimilar from and unlike your average Joe Blog and Jane Doe that rather distinctly and likewise essentially have to rely either significantly but mostly exclusively on the NHS!
This is clearly by no means a concerted and vilely gratuitous assault by me on the NHS or, for that matter, simply NHS bashing as some of you actually stupid and irrefutably intellectually challenged dimwits will perceive it as; since on the contrary it's a well thought out and also constructive approach on how I simply think the NHS should sensibly, logically and productively too massively improve itself!
And I don't say this as some kind of an all-knowing outsider who doesn't really know what he's talking about, as I once trained and worked as an RMN and SRN nurse in the British NHS; undeniably as well as significantly something that the regular readers of my work will already be fully cognizant of. But they will also be well aware that it was never meant to be, on my part, a life time career
That latter position was self- evidently and initially from my earliest grammar school days going to be an Academic, which in accordance with the evidently well-mentored approach I significantly employed I've unquestionably actually successfully managed to satisfyingly achieve.
For my astoundingly brilliant and really inspirational English Master: the quite iconic and inspirational figure which he quite unquestionably was, the superbly influential Mr. Kenneth G. Doughlin, at the Alleyne Grammar School located In Barbados, had unquestionably skilfully instilled and similarly permanently also fortified in me the precept that to really become a successful Academic it was vitally important that such an aspirant not only received a first rate grounding in real life but was also able to cleverly and skilfully utilize the experiences that one acquired to put to proper, and also crucially likewise beneficial use in one's own Academic career. A much cleverer and beneficial assignment than literally leaving grammar school, going directly into university then straightforwardly on the completion of one's own university studies going straight back into a very literal teaching, at whatever level that actually turned out to be environment. While essentially not personally having the foggiest notion of what effectively constituted the vicissitudes of life!
So for me the NHS, the Royal Air Force and the Inland Revenue significantly so were all important stepping stones very crucially too in that learning process so relative to real life, and one's most inner and realistically, essentially satisfyingly developmental process.
And as such, I can quite conscionably say that the concept of an NHS rather cleverly instituted by Britain, and quite evidently the one really good thing that England/Britain/UK have actually done in their collective barbaric existences globally has been supremely emulated and ongoingly practised by discernibly altruistically motivated countries just like Barbados, Germany, Sweden and Cuba that proudly and also crucially intimately I've been closely associated with and who intelligently know the true value of conscionable and distinctively universal health care to their residents and citizens.
Truthfully looking back on the NHS that I was once intimately a part of the very crass deterioration of it is so apparent that it is virtually tangible. Run by morons who rather obviously wouldn't actually know how to boil a kettle of hot water, unlike the Matrons and distinctly as well the Chief Male Nurses and their dedicated staff of yesteryear; not today's narcissistic prima donnas, who if they were on fire I wouldn't piss on, if my doing so would essentially have assisted in actually putting that fire out!
But beware too of the charlatans that in their outright lying and unquestionable disingenuousness would actually love to see the NHS dismantled and in its place a fee paying system, as is the case in the USA, put in its place. Simply, on their part, no concern for those who would be considerable worse off; but why should they care? As money is all that matters to them; and, unsurprisingly so, as it's their personal Deity!
#Greed #Incompetence