
My welcoming, impending Death!

By Stanley Collymore
I’ve realistically no idea when you’ll
choose to pay me a call but my
erudite sense of evaluation
tells me that that visit will be relatively
soon; but as you’re already aware of
this; as you’re quite all-knowingly in
regard of these evidently, pertinent
and crucial things, which I shall be
happily welcomingly and distinctly
expecting, while characteristically
also embracing that very specific
moment, when aptly exhilarating
for myself that cherished advent
becomes a distinctly prestigious
and cherished outcome. For, as
you’re very crucially well aware,
my irrefutably, deepest earnest
wish is that my truly impending
Death that I’m actually so very
pleasurably looking forward to
will be sooner apart from later.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
30 June 2023.

Author's Remarks:
The cultural ethos that has been foremost in my life, that I unquestionably respect, honour and treasure immensely, is the Barbadian one, among whose precepts is the Stirling and outstanding one that we Bajans should never fear anyone or anything, and that includes Death which is not only inevitable but also something that in normal circumstances we should admire, as well as truly and wholeheartedly welcome when it naturally makes its undoubted appearance. A tenet that I distinctively subscribe to immensely and inevitably both expectantly and personally forever embrace as my own. Amen!


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