Author’s Comments:
There is absolutely nothing untoward or remotely wrong with anyone either born with a birth deformity and particularly to their face, or unfortunately sustaining in life a serious and utterly disconcerting injury to naturally want, if it’s at all possible, for that disfigurement to be properly remedied by any available medical means.
However, when characteristically for the most egotistical and, logically speaking, asinine reasons women resort to having their natural features seriously and radically altered merely to accommodate their insufferable egomania while simultaneously aspiring to hold back or even in their sick minds halt the natural aging process that as living creatures we’re all of us normally in life subjected to, that’s not only crass it’s equally to my mind utterly twisted and comprehensively grotesque.
For example, Japanese women idiotically changing their eye-sockets so they can racially imitate and presumably in their twisted minds look more European. And African women, most notoriously Nigerian ones, liberally deploying bleaching creams on their faces and other body parts so that they too can sickeningly discard their authentic black hue and, instead, ludicrously acquire a supposedly substitute “white” one. And, of course, white middle-aged and narcissistic old goats who are acutely petrified of growing old gracefully and instead want to be forever young.
Pathetic, dumbed-down, intellectually challenged and lowlife scum all of them, who should, in my view, hurriedly decamp in the nearest, verminous sewer they can find and where they actually belong; and there permanently stay! Nothing in the least wrong with enhancing one’s natural looks; but this? No way!
And when in Britain the so-called union representing university lecturers can openly call for and insist that any Briton should be able not only to choose what gender he or she wants to be, but also what race they prefer to be as well irrespective of the unambiguous race that they actually are, and on top of this monumental crap be allowed to determine what age they also want to be, then one categorically knows that there is something obviously and endemically sick in the state of Britain!