
More psychopathic abusers operating under the cloak of organized, Christian religion!

By Stanley Collymore
Sickeningly, religious hypocrites:
so-called Catholic nuns Sarah
McDermott, Eileen Igoe and
attendant likewise with their accomplice
career Margaret Hughes, systematically
and rather unconscionably, egregiously
and very malevolently, abused multiple
generations of children, over the years
and in their care at the institution they
were responsible for at Smyllum Park
in Lanark, Scotland, and basically too
for which they’ve obviously distinctly
only now, been effectively and rather
significantly clearly prosecuted, also
found guilty and crucially sent to jail
for a derisive, three years each! This
basically at a time when the current
Pope is pathetically and undeniably
irrelevantly too, simply spouting off
about the evil sins, of pornography!
Collectively, these evilly bloody
hypocrites have continued to
obviously effectively ensure
that organized religion, and specifically
Catholicism, within the basically white
western world is undoubtedly actually
simply even much more, about actual
power, money and distinctly absolute
control, and quite realistically bugger
all about any actually laudable literal
authentic welfare specifically clearly
relative to unquestionably, obviously
essentially crucially ordinary human
beings; and crucially, specifically so
young, vulnerable and very helpless
children. Which quite angrily clearly
puts me in a mind to say, that all of
these very alleged religious and so
unconvincingly caring scum ought
to be arbitrarily, simply rounded up
and just as uncaringly significantly
and obviously quite systematically
hurled off to their very appropriate
brutal deaths, from discernibly the
most perilous cliffs, known about!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 January 2024.

Author's Remarks:
More scandal, invariably covered up, and obviously sickeningly, within the Catholic Church; who would have guessed it?


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