

By Stanley Collymore
Why do people lie; and why do
so in the first place? Surely,
In essentially attempting
to understand this phenomenon one
must first acknowledge, that there’s
not any general acknowledgement
of what a lie is, and basically even
those that are generally accepted
as lies, by any significant number
or even a relative, broad diversity
of people as the lies they are are
readily and so often dismissively
rejected even if not convincingly
so, in that process, of doing this
by others as no such thing. And
evidently then all agreement on
a clear, firm and enduringly too
real binding acknowledgement
of what specifically constitutes
a genuine lie, is no easy thing.
And why is this so? Perhaps a
lack of morality effectively on
the part of all those literally
involved; no real awareness actually;
or any true understanding by others
of what fairness and. similarly, truth
are; an egotistical, privileged sense
of entitlement, to distinctively really
think, literally say and also behave
as one essentially very unilaterally
cares to; and all of which are then
themselves, effectively reinforced
and distinctly, rigidly consolidated
by a really evilly, vile and likewise
as well, a literally malevolent and
odiously egregious very nurtured
narcissism. In truth though, what
ever one thinks of lies; they truly
can, and do undoubtedly foment
real consequences, which rather
arbitrarily, and also permanently,
can and quite often, do lastingly
have quite disastrous effects on
the lives of those who’re caught
up in them! That sensibly ought
to be a natural, sufficient logical
reason alone not to so callously
or indifferently keep using them.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
27 April 2023.

Author's Remarks:
A very difficult enterprise I know avoiding or reducing lies for the likes of politicians, members of the Establishment and the scum that comprise, in particular, the western right-wing media and their Zionist, bogus anti-Semite counterparts and fellow travellers that constitute the world's most privileged 1% percenters.

#Greed #Stupidity

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