Author's Remarks:
Undoubtedly love is one of those concepts like life, for example, that most sentient individuals discourse about but where discernibly there is no universal agreement about it by those who do so, or otherwise, are distinctly indifferent about either of these topics of general interest. Nevertheless, these topics of conversation are ongoing ones and doubtlessly will catty on being so as long as Homo sapiens inhabit, or more appropriate in several cases, infest this earth we live on.
That said, they're something too, to actually and even avidly cling to in the earnest hope for the betterment not only personally of one's self and those either individually or collectively that one is involved with, but realistically likewise can only be a positive development when all is said and done. And if significantly it makes those directly involved distinctly happy and the world around them essentially a much better place to live in; it's essentially, I quite honestly believe, something that ought earnestly, actively and similarly committedly to be crucially indulged as well as exuberantly and positively encouraged. And to the naysayers out there who believe and say otherwise my honest response is, why not?
#Admiration #CreativeEmotions #Inspiration