
Isn’t it time that the Daily Meghan stopped its sick obsession with her, Harry and the Windsor family?

By Stanley Collymore
Royalty in reality is an irrefutably
distinctively fictitious invention
contrived and unquestionably
self-servingly lavishly promulgated by
the rich and barbarically powerful, to
quite effectively declare themselves
a superior race to everybody else. A
situation, that they then specifically
and significantly rather successfully
sold, and are still carrying on doing
so to the fatuous serfs of whatever
generational era, they crucially find
themselves in by actually, asininely
and effectively vigorously naturally
confidently but ridiculously stating
that they’re all very unquestionably
descended from God; taking great
care irrefutably not to significantly
state though, precisely which one!
My observation then is how is this
basically, simply absurd nonsense
feasible far less so defensible in a
distinct, technologically advanced
DNA-based, 21st Century, society!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
29 February 2024.

Author's Remarks:
A relevant and pertinent question to all you clearly sycophantic, brainwashed and actually brownnosing monarchical serfs. How is it logically or intelligently possible to very seriously and hurtingly miss someone you've never met simply don't know and who moreover for their part are totally oblivious of your actual existence and couldn't really give a rat's ass, in the rare event that they even did know you existed, couldn't literally give a fuck whether you were alive or dead.

That's a blunt and no frills definition of sycophancy and it's what you morons, totally devoid of meaningful lives, are very adept at! What a sorry bunch you obviously are!


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