Author’s Comments:
It’s the height of incredulity, the essence of rank stupidity and the marked deficiency of basic self-worth for any human being, regardless of their racial or ethnic origins, political, social, cultural, class or financial orientation, national identification, skin colouration, their assumed status in life or otherwise, to asininely, obdurately and egocentrically assume that their biological conception – whether planned, mindlessly unintended or the calculated measures of a prerequisite and self-serving action of cuckolding – in which they themselves could not have conceivably played any part and certainly did not. Any more than they preselected or could possibly have chosen who their biological parents were, even if these individuals are truthfully known to them.
But despite all that, to then have such individuals arrogantly assert that their very existence is somehow inescapably, fundamentally and irrefutably special above all others and accordingly render them superior in every possible way, but without providing any factual proof of this to substantiate their delusional belief, to those whom they calculatingly, contemptuously and disparagingly look down on. An entrenched attitude and perverse belief that’s habitually, principally and prejudicially based on their victims’ race, skin colour or national origin.
However, when found out and both fearlessly and ethically confronted in relation to their entrenched racism these cowardly racists’ instinctive, unimaginative and wholly unconvincing response is always one or all of the following: “I’m not a racist; it was just a joke what I said. These people are extremely thin-skinned and unlike us have no sense of humour. They all just have chips on their shoulders and therefore see a personal affront when there was neither one nor any intended.”
“Yes, of course!” should be the positive and condemnatory response to these odious cowards’ typical cop-out! Ring any bells with you?