By Stanley Collymore The white west led by the USA are irrefutably responsible for over 90% of all the conflicts, past and present, across the world…
By Stanley Collymore You were just another Nigger and… consequence to anyone with even th… semblance of importance attached t… And frankly why should it? For th…
By Stanley Collymore Heaven rejoiced and the earth, whi… was richly blessed the day that yo… were born Susan, was filled with its merriment and a tangible air
By Stanley Collymore The obsession with Harry and Meghan is quite ridiculous and to the actual point of being fatuously obscene. How ma…
By Stanley Collymore It has quite evidently and gratuit… perfidiously besmirched with the p… blood of countless martyrs ruthles… disdainfully and ongoingly slain
By Stanley Collymore What on earth would the UK do without its surfeit of unworthy and privileged people with made-up names who so
By Stanley Collymore I always said that I would wait u… married before I decided to lose m… for there was more than the act of… love at stake, and therefore too…
By Stanley Collymore The physical and barbaric shackles… and appalling bondage of our Black… somewhat gone away but the painful… and malevolent restrictions of inu…
By Stanley Collymore Non-flamboyantly confident, comple… of all traces of propagandistic ga… grandstanding, sickeningly in your… hubris or any veneer of concertedl…
By Stanley Collymore You were expressly and happily bot… and cheerfully welcomed into Barba… where by no means whatever you were literally indigenous to our C…
By Stanley Collymore It’s customary for most politician… entered politics to say they did s… What that difference is, is often… vague or never overtly expressed a…
By Stanley Collymore Anne Boleyn: the second wife of Henry VIII was crucially Queen of England, specifically in the 16th Century; precisely so from 15…
By Stanley Collymore If what’s been reliably said about this woman is only half the truth, then the Americans, rather regrettably form
By Stanley Collymore Is stupidity something that is mar… and psychologically as well integr… the characteristic construct of a… set mind-set and in close associat…
By Stanley Collymore Actually I shouldn’t be as dismay… that ought any other sensible, int… rational person either, as things… but all the same we’re nevertheles…