By Stanley Collymore There’s more to parenting than bei… who, whether consciously or accide… conceives and subsequently deliver… a world of uncertainty the helples…
By Stanley Collymore You’re absolutely sick and so full… shit that you can’t even see it, a… purposes are totally oblivious of… quite ridiculously you call yourse…
By Stanley Collymore In any human tragedy: whether quite unforeseen, or basically naturally expected; crucially also, whether humanly contrived an…
By Stanley Collymore Ride the storm of challenge and reap your whirlwind of success! For the essence
By Stanley Collymore Hard at times really for me to actually believe it’s the 21st Century with what I rather unbelievably simply see going on a…
By Stanley Collymore In all probability it wasn’t us B… and first implemented the distinct… known phenomenon of Divide and Rule– although unquestionably we’v…
By Stanley Collymore Let me hold you once more and feel the warm vibrations of a past that’s still alive in me but which is ebbing away
By Stanley Collymore If I didn’t know better, and with a quite brilliant intelligence to realistically prove it, I could perhaps just as easily as ma…
By Stanley Collymore I’m a Semite because I say I am!… testing analysis have I, however,… or in any way corroborate this ass… making and quite rightly and prope…
By Stanley Collymore Please teach me about love, as thi… I’m experiencing within me is lite… For on the one hand I genuinely w… until I’m in a reciprocally meanin…
By Stanley Collymore Please, don’t play mindless games… as they’re already in a very delic… without that state of affairs cons… happening. And if you can’t seriou…
By Stanley Collymore This actually self-serving and misguided pillock, literally without a feasible clue, is obviously publicly simply sugge…
By Stanley Collymore It’s neither a duty nor is it obli… love, live with someone or have ch… to the typical intelligent person… are actions that are entirely volu…
By Stanley Collymore You sure as Hell Jeremy Corbyn h… of getting up the stinking noses o… detractors and that really takes s… say in a disunited and thoroughly…
By Stanley Collymore It’s amazing, what you can afford when your family pay minimal income tax, no inheritance tax and inherit swathes of the cou…