
Happy Birthday on the 14 December 2015 Erika!

By Stanley Collymore
You’re truly an amazing and quite outstanding person Erika,
richly and abundantly endowed with a superb brain and
thoughtful imagination that are themselves buttressed
by a natural and uncommon aptitude for discerning
and inspirational altruism which you liberally
dispense; employing this so naturally and
unpretentiously that those who either
personally and usually at firsthand
observe this exceptional discernment or else munificently
find themselves as quite deserving and most gratefully
so the chosen recipients of your debonair kindness
have all along and from the very start, without
question and similarly too with the utmost
commendation on their part, instinctively
recognized and fully accepted with a
noble grace and the rightful dignity
that it thoroughly deserves, what
you’ve always freely, cheerfully and willingly been
doing; and in return have chosen to inestimably
intersperse this with a reciprocal love and the
greatest of affection by them for someone
whom they readily cherish, hold in the
highest regard and perceptively see
as the hallowed beneficiary of an
undeniably Christian, friendly,
thoroughly welcoming and
prodigiously giving heart.
Compliments galore and in actuality many more justifiably
forthcoming and of which you’re not only absolutely and
indisputably deserving but also when examined either
independently or collectively are themselves, to say
the very least, quite compellingly awe-inspiring!
And set against your phenomenally impressive
background “Mein deutsches Liebchen” as
well as our longstanding relationship and reliable friendship
Erika are the quite obvious and indisputably well-founded
reasons affectionately expressed here and to send to you
on your special day my deep and sincerest greetings;
and additionally wish you good luck, continued
excellent health and furthermore exhort you,
as well, to extravagantly make the most
of your big day by specially having
a superbly exciting, personalized
however entirely fun-packed,
incomparable, truly out of
this world, excellent and
a memorable birthday!
© Stanley V. Collymore
11 December 2015.

Meine persoenlichen Gefuehle:
Fuer einem ganz besonderen Menschen in meinem Leben. Und gegen Ihre phaenomenal beindruckenden Hintergrund mein deutsches Liebchen sowie unsere langjaehrigen und vertrauensvollen Freundschaft Erika sind die fraglos fundierte Gruende hier zum Ausdruck, Ihnen an Ihrem speziellen Tag zu senden meine herzlichsten Gruesse und zusaetzlich wuenschen Ihnen viel Glueck gesetzt, weiterhim bester Gesundheit und darueber hinaus ermahne euch als auch zu aufwendig das Beste aus Ihrem Tag zu machen, indem er eine herrlich aufregend, erlebnisreichen und unvergesslichen Geburtstag!

Schliesslich meine Gedanken sind mit Ihnen, wie sie schon immer im Laufe der Jahre, seit ich dich kennenlernte. Und ich wuenche Ihnen natuerlich auch viele weitere Geburtstage in der Zukunft. Geniessen Sie Ihrem Geburtstag am 14. Dezember 2015 Erika!


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