
Gravy Train Alert!

By Stanley Collymore
Defections or crossing the floor of
the House of Commons aren’t
very frequent but neither
are they rare either. Conservative voters
who rather obviously very undoubtedly
effectively helped to elect Dan Poulter
have now got in effect a Labour Party
MP, and logic literally states that had
they wanted a Labour MP, they really
would’ve initially, undoubtedly voted
for one; so it’s simply unreasonable
and very unfair, to have one foisted
on them. The identical argument is
actually applicable to MPs of other
parties that quite literally gallavant
off to another party, while crucially
still obviously holding their post of
MP under their successful general
election mandate. Unquestionably
all defections should undoubtedly
include an immediate by-election,
so that those basically respective
constuency voters, who’re literally
involved are specifically given the
honourable opportunity, to select
the political party, they truly want
to support. Happily thankfully it’s
election year in 2024, simply this
year, so a choice can specifically
be rapidly made which obviously
isn’t the case normally. So rather
fortunately effectively unwanted
MPs can quite unceremoniously
be readily flung out on their ears.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
29 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Being an MP is a gravy train excursion for many of these aspirant and similarly as well successful British political candidates who ultimately become MPs; a state of ongoing affairs with evidently only a miniscule number of successful MPs literally adhering to, let alone doing so tenaciously, to the moral principles of service and avowed commitment to the constituents who not only voted for them but also who they legally, or are supposedly so, meant to represent in Parliament as the elected MP! And who among these altruistic and undoubted paragons of virtue and the utmost commendability are thoroughly outstanding representatives like Jeremy Corbyn!

In marked contrast, of course, are those who see politics and being an MP quite expressly as an express train to their own personal financial success, and who in some regards can actually blame them? Especially so with the ingrained idiots that in a democratically political system actually have the vote. Specifically so like one that I know of but shan’t dignify this lunatic and inbred moron by naming him, but who is a regular contributor to the Daily Mail’s comments section, where else actually, under his egotistically invented – irony completely lost on this braindead cunt who want Harry to be stripped of all his titles and removed from the line of succession within the British monarchy.

According to this pathetic prat and I quote him verbatim:” Luckily Charles will not live as long as his mother and when William becomes our king, then Harry, his pimp and their borrowed children will be toast; as William will personally get rid of all of them”. This, by the way, in response to a Daily Mail article “celebrating” William and Kate’s rather purportedly “happy” 13th wedding anniversary; articles that carry no message from either William or Kate on the supposedly “happy day” for them or any recent or current photos for that matter. What we had instead was a photo of Kate discernibly scantily clad at her university and the assumption being that her charm, beauty and whatever else one could asininely imagine, which wooed William rather immensely and charmed him into marrying her. People with functioning brains know evidently differently that wasn’t the case; for if so why long before the awareness and equally the arrival of Meghan were all of these same admirers quite openly labelling Kate as Waite Katie? And unquestionably bearing in mind also that William is known to have distinctively proposed marriage to two females respectively, who sensibly turned him down; and Kate was a fill-in substitute. And the fact the neither she nor William made any kind of appearance any kind of joint statement on their behalf of what was really the 13th anniversary of their marriage; speaks volumes! That this “marriage” is simply as dead as a DODO! And Kate no more has cancer or any other debilitating illness as I or you have the bubonic plague. Lol.

Moreover, the recurrent attacks on Harry, Meghan especially, and their children by those who avowedly claim they hate them also speaks volumes. No normal person even when they thoroughly detest someone repeatedly goes around stating this or brings that person or those persons up in every conversation they have, even when in actuality the conversation has nothing to do with those whom they hate. And most interestingly I detected, that the Daily Mail stories about William and Kate requisite to their supposedly “happy 13th Anniversary” drew very few comments even from their most ardent supporters; while in marked contrast the news that Harry and Meghan have been officially invited to Nigeria garnered thousands from these intellectually challenged morons. So sensibly, go draw your own conclusions. Significantly, all but the most discernibly obtuse know how boring and bloody workshy Kate and William are, but with Meghan and Harry still very much in love and basically contrary to their clearly wishful expectations still around, as they’ll certainly continue to be, these vile, odiously toxic and verminous prats can’t admit, even to themselves, that it’s William and Kate’s marriage that is kaput! But that’s their problem; and who obviously ever accused these sorts of lowlifes as having functional brains? So in essence although being a very keen political participant myself, I don’t blame intelligent or even canny unscrupulous one’s for jumping of this political gravy train and saying a hearty “fuck you” to these pathetic British morons that have the vote; because such an action is requisite in a supposedly democratic country!

#Greed #Hate

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