
Get real! Get a life!

By Stanley Collymore
Is it really possible to fall in love with someone you’ve never
met that in actuality you’ve never even seen other than
trading selective photographs with them on Facebook
and whose sole means of communication between
the two of you consists of online chats actively
pushing personal narratives that even if they’re
not totally narcissistic in nature nevertheless
rely heavily on the hyperbolic promotion
of one’s self in practically every respect
while paying scant regard, if any at all,
to what is actually the stark truth about
yourself, that lets face facts and to be perfectly
frank about it is invariably a horse of a different colour
that bears no resemblance whatsoever to the one
that is both intentionally and dishonestly being
publicly paraded? Having fun for whatever
reason while honestly and mutually
acknowledging that specific
situation to be principally the case is one thing;
pretending and, even worse, deluding one’s
self that the shenanigans associated
with even the most enjoyable of such
pastimes is love says a lot about
those involved and seriously
raises more questions than
it provides answers.
© Stanley V. Collymore
2 October 2013.


It’s a sad indictment of our society generally that for an increasing number of people the only social interaction that they can have with others is through the world of virtual unreality that they reassuringly cheerfully ensconce themselves in and where reality plays no part whatsoever.


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