
Genuine love doesn’t need a 10 year time frame, to prove what it truly is!

By Stanley Collymore
Harry and Meghan are so crucially
fortunate to have found each
other! Clearly, Harry is a
very caring and affectionate husband
to his darling wife, Meghan; and also
readily displays just as instinctively,
too, the discernibly, personal traits
towards their two naturally deeply
loved children, son Archie and as
I undoubtedly personally choose
to generally, always address her
as Diana Junior, distinctively so
their literally, younger daughter.
Yet despite who they actually
are, or perceived by others
to be, Meghan: a fittingly
distinctly, mentally liberated and very
self-confident African American lady
with Harry, the discernibly proverbial
Saul, undoubtedly then, on the Road
to Damascus: literally, and generally
indisputably, truly overwhelmingly a
converted individual, who obviously
quite evidently, generally effectively
and really pragmatically essentially
rather irrefutably, laudably brilliantly
and so exceptionally outstandingly,
significantly, evidently distinctively,
cleverly and likewise also naturally
studiously and really determinedly
too; fittingly distinctively apparent
to everyone’s wonderment simply,
had undoubtedly, rather obviously
and actually successfully, literally
and crucially very unquestionably
really significantly, mentally done
what he’d so soberly undertaken!
Successfully wrestling himself from
a thoroughly dysfunctional and a
highly toxic, medieval mind set
Windsor monarchical family. Gratefully
now, jointly and unquestionably, as it’s
Inescapably evident, rather thankfully
just another fittingly fortunate happy
husband and wife pair who crucially
genuinely care for and undoubtedly
simply discernibly, love each other!
Which obviously quite indisputably
significantly and absolutely shows
that ebulliently, naturally authentic
love distinctly crucially regardless
of all heinous obstacles callously,
malevolently, and egregiously too
placed in its way, invariably wins!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
15 September 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Happy Birthday Harry, on this day the 15 September 2023; and enormous thanks and a profound gratitude for not being either proverbially or literally the rather abhorrent Saul on the Road to Damascus but rather evidently clearly emerged as a Saint Paul figure instead, the complete antithesis of what your discernibly loathsome step-mother, Camilla, disgusting, cowardly, obviously self-serving and perniciously sell-out brother William in tandem with his very revolting, pathetically social climbing, stalker wife and your sister-in-law, lazy Waity Katie now ludicrously though the sick plaudits of ingrained British racism coupled with Meghan's rather ebullient appearance although nothing has really changed in respect of Kate's basically useless character, she's nevertheless now to the serf sycophants and equally so the right-wing press "St. Catherine" of Windsor - some quite distinctly, of the prime motivators within the Windsor family living unquestionably in their discernibly, unadulteratedly racist and evidently, completely utterly delusional, white supremacist state of ludicrous denial; the path which they did rather fulsomely want you to follow then, and even though you've voluntarily and also sensibly quit their sphere of influence still can't bear to see or accept that you have essentially and effectively simply moved on to become your own man.

And moreover are still quite deeply and obviously passionately in love with your wife Meghan as clearly significantly so, you essentially have always been; but a most thoroughly very mentally liberated Black lady - yes Lady - who the crucially evidently, lecherously, adulterously very trollope whores imbued in the Windsor family and their male counterparts truly and vilely can't stand; the equivalent of evil eschewing the exuberance of truth. An embodied reluctance to essentially recognize and obviously acknowledge the truth, as it's much easier for rather unwarrantedly privileged morons really to quite easily delude themselves that they are undoubtedly in situ principally through the divine approbation of God Almighty; and conversely why they and their white progeny have to indefinitely be the naturally salient and controlling family in the British monarchy; literally untarnished, and uncontaminated too by the likes of Black sub-humans such as Meghan and their simply half breed offspring!

So from this staunchly admiringly and keen supporter who is totally, mentally liberated and a Brit with an unerasable Bajan input culturally; my undoubtedly best wishes and most fulsomely best regards to Meghan, Archie, Diana and yourself Harry naturally and distinctly also on this your current 39th birthday! God's eternal blessing on yourself and your genuinely enchanting family.

#Inspirational #Love

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