
Fifty years married and forty five of them divorced!

By Stanley Collymore
Sociologists and statisticians might be rather
amused by the information volunteered to
them and even take a designated interest
in this exceptionally detailed and now
related marital outcome, but it’s
also extremely unlikely, even within
the proverbial thoughtful and pensively
engaged in moment of sombre reflexion
that it would realistically grab
the complete attention of far less so
seriously encourage anyone else’s
enthusiastic curiosity or general
conjecture, with regard to this
uncommon and connubial
situation, other than of
the aforementioned
sociologists and
And with good reason too! For why
should it, when in quite ordinary
situations spousal participants
who have been this long and
so incompatibly entangled
with each other are either singly
or else conjointly dead, and
therefore in referencing them
there’s customarily nothing
of note to honestly reflect
upon as regards to their
bilateral relationship,
or for that matter to
be interestingly or
publicly declared.
And if the Grim Reaper who decisively
and unquestionably has the final say
on these sorts of matters has, of
his own choice, intentionally,
capriciously, leniently or
even magnanimously, take your
pick, decided to adopt a hands
—off attitude as regards this
most unusual couple and
their 50-years old roller
coaster relationship, what
right then has anyone
to arbitrarily stand
in opposition by
acting contrarily? And
why not instead wish
this long estranged,
Ok then divorced,
Couple: Happy
50th Wedding
© Stanley V. Collymore
12 December 2019.

Author’s Comments:
Knowledgeably to those who have a functioning brain in their head and know how to properly use it, the past can’t realistically or truthfully ever be altered in any way and no such intelligent person would attempt to embark on such a futile exercise.

However, there’s absolutely nothing that either sensibly or logically says, or dictates, that one can’t or shouldn’t endeavour to personally and constructively learn lessons from one’s past and overall experiences rather than let one’s self to most unfortunately, voluntarily, unconditionally and steadfastly become either a completely pathetically sorry for one’s self victim or otherwise a calculatedly bitter prisoner of what one, now regrettably perhaps, occasioned in the past.


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