Author’s Remarks
There’s a sick, narcissistic, hubristic and even an obsessively depraved tendency in Britain and which is deeply ingrained in significant sections of its population – who when objectively scrutinized are very much analogous to the proverbial sayings of the pot calling the kettle black or people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones – who have no compunction whatsoever in wading into the affairs of people who personally or in terms of their actual personalities these brainless and unthinking nerdish critics haven’t the foggiest idea about but because those whom they obsequiously and unquestioningly follow in their own brain-dead state of affairs that they blissfully and ignorantly live in, stipulate that this is the point of view they must follow, in toadying and asinine fashion they instinctively do as they’re told.
I see things entirely differently, and from my childhood have been told and inspired not to be fearful of anyone, to honestly speak my mind at all times, regardless of who gets offended by my doing so or how powerful or influential that person might think that he or she is or as it may even turn out to be actually is. That I should always back such criticisms up by supportable facts and never resort to misinformation or fabrication in anything I say or do; but should I later discover I was wrong in making an assertion about anything however minor it is, I should be man enough to freely admit, and of my own personal accord, what I’ve done and unreservedly apologize for my mistake.
Similarly that just as I’m entitled to criticize when I genuinely feel that such criticism is appropriate, I should equally and un-enforcedly give praise whenever, wherever and to whomsoever it’s rightfully due; and the latter situation is what I’m doing now.
These are some of the many and unquestionably fundamental aspects that have beneficially and constructively shaped my life; that I live by; try whenever I can to instil in others by my personal example; and will happily and unconcernedly die for if necessary!