By Stanley Collymore Fundamentally and quite obviously to all those with functioning brai… cells in their heads, assuming of course that these undoubtedly, obv…
By Stanley Collymore It’s a great pity that Nature allows so many people to so randomly reproduce but unfortunately obviously does n…
By Stanley Collymore You tenderly held my hand and the… sensation that it spontaneously ev… with the electrifying chemistry th… mutually sparked in each other was
By Stanley Collymore It’s over a year now that we becam… going out together. And though the… sexual intimacy between the two of… self-evidently from my personal pe…
By Stanley Collymore It’s always been the case but in t… age of the blatant, lecherous and shameless, adulterous trollop; and likewise the passionately ingr…
By Stanley Collymore Please comfort me for I’m in great need of someone to share my pain and anguish with, and
By Stanley Collymore To say that 2016 was an absolutely… would be a gross understatement on… and to me it’s abundantly clear th… concise evaluation of it isn’t by…
By Stanley Collymore Lift your eyes inspirationally tow… always remember who you are and wh… came from. Measure your capabiliti… successes not through the flatteri…
By Stanley Collymore No doubt there are those who both uncaringly of the true circumstances as well as most disingenuously will similarly
By Stanley Collymore Harry is a responsible adult and a committed, loyal, distinctly trustworthy and devoted husband happily living with his wi…
By Stanley Collymore These people natural behaviour, bo… collectively as well as individual… indicates that the acquisition of material wealth and distinctive…
By Stanley Collymore People, who are most decidedly happy and quite contented too to undoubtedly, readily do the bidding, clearly whatever that act…
By Stanley Collymore Yes, I was foolhardy to do what I… but just as there was no coercion on my sexual lover’s part to, at any cost, bed me there likewise wa…
By Stanley Collymore The white west led by the USA are irrefutably responsible for over 90% of all the conflicts, past and present, across the world…
Why does the UK have to get involved in conflicts that are no concern of ours? Iran hasn’t attacked Britain or even threatened to do so! Consequently, their actions thus confined solely...