

By Stanley Collymore
How can anyone either sensibly
or realistically believe that to
unilaterally, unwarrantedly
and so inanely bigotedly, personally
taking to quite horribly demonizing
and without a shred of evidence to
literally substantiate much less so
validate their spurious and clearly
unsubstantiated hostile, and also
invariably, collectively dangerous
and unbearable accusations that
someone, or basically numerous
persons, whom they subjectively
dislike or very vehemently abhor,
are in effect effectively remotely
anything in similarity, to the very
odious demonic figures liberally
portrayed of them by their quite
self-centred, literally discernibly
vain, rather pathologically lying,
notoriously dishonest, and self–
evidently a pompous coterie of
fatuous and avidly obsessively
hostile beraters of these really
unjustly targeted persons that
they hatefully, want to destroy.
A consciously deliberate and
obviously personal project,
and clearly immorally so
because of their very own basically
insane envy, and equally attendant
with that their crucially and deeply
ingrained, thoroughly endemically
and vilely, characteristic jealousy;
as and for the blatantly apparent
reason that all of these crucially,
obviously subjectively despised
targets of theirs, have diligently,
distinctively positively, and very
much unlike themselves, rather
commendably and strikingly in
a diversity, of quite impressive
career fields most honourably,
really positively, and markedly
successfully, proudly become
beacons of light and crucially
also, motivational instigators.
Conspicuously so, in what is
undeniably an increasingly
drab and very dispiriting
environment, characterized sadly
by the distinctly obviously, rather
pathetic lives and evidently also
unsurprisingly deliriously totally
unthinkingly inanely delightedly
blissfully infested; significantly
too, basically beloved by these
openly vile decadent elements
of humanity, who so inimically
stupidly constitute an integral
but quite regrettable segment
of the evilly, routine existence
of such naturally, grotesquely
very intellectually challenged,
patently unquestionably also,
evidently toxically verminous
and charlatan, lowlife cretins.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 March 2023.

Author's Remarks:
My critical observation and objective analysis of Envy is a state of mind invariably reinforced by behaviour often selfishly and self-centredly reinforced by the controlling elements within entrenched societally stratified communities and even countries; but nevertheless is similarly a societal problem that can be significantly reduced or even wholly eradicated if the invidious notion compounded by the egregious compulsion and its attendant obsession to worship mediocrity were seriously tackled and, both communally and societally, absolutely got rid of.

For as long as unwarranted privilege, self-entitlement, the ludicrous concept and assumption of birth right, and positions of power and influence scandalously determined by cronyism, nepotism and the odious network of private school so-called “education”, as apart from genuine academic merit, natural ability and insightful perspicacity, attendant with true democracy, a vibrant meritocracy and the unchallenged and unchallengeable right to unfettered equality of opportunity become instead the norms of everyday life, Envy will undoubtedly exist and malevolently exert its intensive, rabid, distinctly rampant, unfortunately intrusive and currently ongoing “superiority”!

#Greed #Hate

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