
Celebrities previously averse to Trump now switching to him due to his mooted heroism!

By Stanley Collymore
None of these actual so-called
celebrities who actually are
essentially nothing more
than very self-servingly narcissistic and
unquestionably obviously intellectually
challenged, sociopathic morons, have
any real convictions other than rather
essentially, the obvious criminal type
invariably, generally compounded by
repulsively immoral ones, usually of
the paedophilia type; and, obviously
therefore, are really unquestionably
very evidently self-centred morons,
who simply instinctively always do
and fittingly say what they actually
think will most profitably, promote
their careers at the time of asking.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
18 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
The cry for attention and humbling on any convenient bandwagon that can distinctly provide what they're so clearly obsessively after is unquestionably the only irrefutably constant permanency in the lives actually of such pathetic and simply intellectually challenged morons.


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