
Noxious racism isn’t the only contagion that Irish slut Melanie McDonagh is suffering from!

By Stanley Collymore
Never having met Meghan Markle; not knowing
anything concrete or vaguely true about her;
in fact nothing of substance whatsoever
to tell, other than the fake news and
concerted criticisms about Meghan
that inbred and publicity-seeking morons
like you Melanie McDonagh, racially
and mendaciously publicize; to then have all these
malicious character assassinations of Meghan
Markle that are untruthfully created by the
likes of you Melanie McDonagh but
wilfully, all the same, afterwards
propagandized by the slimy,
overtly racist, distinctly
toxic and bogus news
galleries of the class-fixated, discernibly
white privileged, concertedly money–
laundering and the ludicrously
purported, “British” mass
media barons that own
these scurrilous rags
like the Spectator:
and risibly
to any
rational person passing themselves
off as objective and trustworthy
journals or otherwise as even
handed and enlightening
newspapers, which
quite obviously
they are not!
Something that cannot be overlooked! Any more
so than you ought to be Melanie McDonagh:
a typically purblind idiot as well as an
endemic moron, if ever there was
one, of Irish extraction. And
all this bearing in mind
the diabolically senseless and, likewise,
the continuously abusive and similarly
exploitative treatment routinely,
and not forgetting the wilfully
egregious and deliberately
orchestrated Irish potato
famine and its multifarious
consequences disastrously inflicted on
those decent Irish by the rampantly
power lust and utterly barbaric
English and significantly
accounts for why the
gloriously courageous and,
correspondingly, commendably
patriotic IRA was born; as
you, in marked and
palpably treacherous contrast Melanie
McDonagh, sumptuously but oh so
nauseatingly wallow in the very
worst aspects of Stockholm
Syndrome where the
iniquitous ruling
English elite: including the
outmoded, so-called royal family,
and their abysmally ignorant,
inherently fawning, and
inconsequential, cap–
doffing plebeians
are concerned.
While you, yourself, Melanie McDonagh, as earlier
stated, sickeningly and penetratingly endowed
with the most abhorrent and imperialistic
strain of English derived Stockholm
Syndrome have the bloody temerity coupled with
the sheer audacity in your glaring, obsequious
and ingrained stupidity to euphorically
inform your likeminded readers
and supporters that Meghan
Markle: undeniably a
highly intelligent,
well–educated, a thoroughly self-confident
and a discernibly self-made, biracial
Black woman, should not only
be but unquestionably, in
your twisted, utterly
paranoid, rabidly
racist and intolerant mind Melanie, is
assuredly the kind of woman that
only a few years previously a
hereditary prince would
automatically have
had as his mistress but other
than that, would most
categorically not
have agreed
to marry!
Speaking from your own numerous, personal and
sluttish experiences Melanie McDonagh? As it’s
perceptively understandable to anyone with
a coherent brain and correspondingly
sound reasoning to realistically assume so Melanie
McDonagh! The world that the sane among us
live in has considerably changed over the
years in several ways for the better,
although there’s still much more
work to be done, and carries
on evolving in the former
regard thankfully, whether you choose to
approve of or else oafishly disregard
this ongoing transition Melanie
McDonagh. So essentially
what fucking planet are
you rather idiotically
living on Melanie
McDonagh that rather asininely
precludes you from sensibly
acknowledging, belatedly
accepting or else being
a constructive part of
what’s essentially
and irrevocably
so, the 21st
© Stanley V. Collymore
29 January 2020.

Author’s Remarks:
Never having met Meghan Markle; not knowing anything concrete or vaguely true about her; in fact nothing of substance whatsoever to tell, other than the fake news and concerted criticisms about Meghan that inbred and publicity-seeking morons like you Melanie McDonagh, racially and mendaciously publicize; to then have these malicious character assassinations of Meghan Markle that are untruthfully created by the likes of you Melanie McDonagh but wilfully, all the same, afterwards propagandized by the slimy, overtly racist, distinctly toxic and bogus news galleries of the class-fixated, discernibly white privileged, concertedly money-laundering and the ludicrously purported, “British” mass media barons that own these scurrilous rags like the Spectator: duplicitously and risibly to any intelligent person passing themselves off as objective and reputable journals or else as impartially informative newspapers, which manifestly they are not!

Something that cannot be overlooked! Any more so than you ought to be Melanie McDonagh: a typically purblind idiot as well as an endemic moron, if ever there was one, of Irish extraction. And all this bearing in mind the diabolically senseless and, likewise, the continuously abusive and similarly exploitative treatment routinely, and not forgetting the wilfully egregious and deliberately orchestrated Irish potato famine and its multifarious consequences disastrously inflicted on those decent Irish by the rampantly power lust and utterly barbaric English and significantly accounts for why the gloriously courageous and, correspondingly, commendably patriotic IRA was born; as you, in marked and palpably treacherous contrast Melanie McDonagh, sumptuously but oh so nauseatingly wallow in the very worst aspects of Stockholm Syndrome where the iniquitous ruling English elite: including the outmoded, so-called royal family, and their abysmally ignorant, inherently fawning and inconsequential, cap-doffing plebeians are concerned.

While you, yourself, Melanie McDonagh, as earlier stated, sickeningly and penetratingly endowed with the most abhorrent and imperialistic strain of English derived Stockholm Syndrome have the bloody temerity coupled with the sheer audacity in your glaring, obsequious and ingrained stupidity to euphorically inform your likeminded readers and supporters that Meghan Markle: undeniably a highly intelligent, well–educated, a thoroughly self-confident and a discernibly self-made, biracial Black woman, should not only be but unquestionably, in your twisted, utterly paranoid, rabidly racist and intolerant mind Melanie, is assuredly the kind of woman that only a few years previously a hereditary prince would instinctively have had as a mistress, but other than that would most certainly have deigned to marry!

Speaking from your own myriad, personal and sluttish experiences Melanie McDonagh? As it’s astutely obvious to anyone with a coherent brain and correspondingly sound reasoning to realistically assume so Melanie McDonagh! The world that the sane among us live in has drastically changed over the years in numerous ways for the better, although there’s still much more work to be done, and carries on evolving in the former regard thankfully, whether you approve of or oafishly disregard this ongoing transition Melanie McDonagh. So basically what fucking planet are you rather idiotically living on Melanie that quite asininely precludes you from both sensibly recognizing, belatedly accepting and even being a part of what’s essentially and quite irreversibly the 21st Century?

British born my formative education as well as my moral upbringing were nevertheless all thankfully moulded and in the most entrenched sense lovingly and thoroughly formalized in Barbados; so there’s nothing worth knowing about Barbados, its people and the continuous 339 years of first England’s, long before the formation of the United Kingdom, colonial rule of my ancestral homeland that began officially by the English in 1627 – actually they first came to Barbados in 1625 – and ended on the 30 November 1966 when Barbados: England’s richest, it financed the English Industrial Revolution, and longest continuous colony, acquired its much deserved independence.

But apart from Barbados’ indigenous population and its enforced slave ones there’s another group of people who were likewise abysmally treated by the English. These were principally the Irish and fellow Celts, who were brutally rounded up from their mainly Irish, west coasts of England, Wales and even Scottish homes and summarily dispatched to Barbados. Or to use the common terminology beloved by the English, “Barbadosed”. Look it up!

An iniquitous state of affairs that were to set a malevolent precedent that when what very considerably later after its alleged “discovery” by Europeans – never mind that the indigenous Black Aborigines had already been continuously and unmolestedly living there for in excess of 60,000 years, yes you’ve read that correctly, sixty thousand years – became Australia, England systematically used it for the same nefarious purposes as Barbados initially was. And even to this day in 2020 most white Barbadians are of Irish or other British Celtic descent. At this point I would like to suggest that in what I know to be your blatant ignorance, in all of this, that you either independently research or else Google “Redlegs Wikipedia.”

So, for my part, as a descendant of a people who were enforcedly made to be slaves by the English and subsequently the British who unanimously regarded them not in the least as human beings but simply as their “chattels” or personal property, I’ve always, bearing in mind my own ancestral history, had considerable sympathy for and significant empathy with the equally barbarically treated Irish, elements of whose culture, forms of house construction and even distinctive Irish dialects can still in the 21st Century be noticeably heard in Barbados, even though these people are discernibly now a minority in Barbados.

Fast forwards to my home town of Reading, Berkshire in England and where when I lived there I used to freely, financially and unapologetically contribute to the Irish republican cause, and also esteemed the IRA.

No different in sentiment from Barbadians at the time who although by choice were British preferably to having any other European nationality – why jump out of the British frying pan into the rest of Europe’s fire Barbadians logically reasoned? – avidly and materialistically supported the American colonists in their war of independence against the British.

And here I suggest, as well, that you don’t just take my word for any of this this but sensibly and objectively research the instrumental roles that Barbadians voluntarily played in all of this, and why Barbados was the only country outside of mainland North America that George Washington: I’m supposing that you know who he was, ever visited, spent some considerable time there and both learned and discussed military tactics with local Barbadians. The house that he stayed at, which still exists and is a Barbados National Cultural Heritage monument, is located where it always was, next to the Garrison that at the time was a major Barbados military base and home of the Barbados West India Regiment. Nothing to do with the Indian-sub-continent but a shortened or abbreviated version of West Indies. This regiment played an integral role in Britain’s imperial conquests, both locally in the Caribbean itself, the rest of the so-called New World and elsewhere, including Africa. The Garrison is now home to the Royal Barbados Defence Force which replaced the Barbados West India Regiment when Barbados attained it independence on the 30 November 1966.

Significantly, too, it was the Barbados Treaty of Oistins concluded between Barbados and England on the 17 January 1652 when a bullying Oliver Cromwell miserably failed to subdue a monarchist inclined Barbados; and forced to sue for peace agreed to the dictated to by the Barbados parliament: established in 1639, is the second oldest continuous parliament in the world after the English House of Commons in London, and by far older than the USA, Canada, Australia NZ and many European countries including Germany, Treaty of Oistins signed at the Mermaid Inn in the southern seaside town of Barbados with the same name. The said Treaty of Oistins that the Founding Fathers of the victorious American colonists against the British and headed by George Washington, both grateful to Barbados for and indebted to Barbadians for their support used in 1776 as the blueprint for their American Constitution in the successful wake of the 13 North American colonies achieving their independence from Britain.

But, of course, you racist dimwits out there if you ever manage to read this far and egged on by the likes of equally dumbed-down and intellectually challenged morons like fixated, attention-seeking and publicity aggrandizing verminous, racist pillocks like Melanie McDonagh and Piers Morgan aren’t going either, in their normal and pathetic existence, to read or learn anything about this in theirs and your own white corrupted, dishonest and historical revisionist so-called history books or classrooms. But we well informed Afro-Caribbeans, and most particularly so us Bajans: that’s the affectionate and proud informal name that we Barbadians give to ourselves, know the full facts and frankly that’s what really matters. So for all we care you can carry on living in your ignorance, as long as you don’t try to impact it on us!

So when a very treacherous Stockholm Syndrome-permeated, a most diabolically English encrusted, embarrassingly sycophantic Irish, deeply ingrained racist and a quite risible pot calling the kettle black (as Melanie McDonagh did with Meghan Markle), sluttish bitch in the form of Melanie McDonagh turns her unwarranted and poisonous ire on someone as indubitably laudable as Meghan Markle whose African-American origins are the sole and sick reason for these vitriolic attacks on her and also Melanie McDonagh’s hateful remarks about her; then as someone whose Afro-Caribbean ancestors shared the same barbaric plight as Meghan’s at the hand of Europeans, and most particularly so the British; I sincerely hope that a part of the contributions I’ve made to the genuine Irish cause can be taken into serious consideration and therefore the appropriate treatment be meted out to ensure the decisive eradication, somewhere most applicable and fittingly so in Ireland, of the verminous quisling by the name of Melanie McDonagh!


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