
Bravo! Cancer is no match for Charles Windsor!

By Stanley Collymore
Charles Windsor looks actually
amazingly healthy, obviously
for someone supposedly
continuing his clearly brave fight against
cancer! I do honestly and sincerely truly
wish that we could know the treatment
he’s being given, so that we, the British
tax paying citizens, and rather bearing
in mind, that Charles is officially Head
of State of our country even though it
is generally evident, he’s unelected to
that top position, can reasonably ask
for, the identical treatment ourselves
if, Heaven forbids, the real need ever
arises in our very specific situations!
Crucially too, in sensible, logical and
likewise unquestionably economical
terms alone such very outstandingly
basically ground breaking treatment
should naturally and generally, really
be made public; as well as patented
as a truly great British medical story
and invention! Undoubtedly the sort
of innovation which could genuinely
put the word great, no kidding, back
into Britain rather undeniably again!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
22 May 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Truly incredible! As only a few weeks ago Charles was not fit to even stand; now in essence he's Superman!


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