
Biologically sterile, hermaphrodite hack uses a drugs and domestic abuser to justify her Karen prejudices!

By Stanley Collymore
If I didn’t know better, and with
a quite brilliant intelligence
to realistically prove it, I
could perhaps just as easily as many of
you, think that Harry and Meghan must
irrefutably clearly be the very foremost
and equally too, undoubtedly powerful
couple in the world. For very obviously
apparently, there’s unquestionably not
a single subject that the British media
embark on that they don’t obsessively
find it necessary, however tenuous, or
simply non-existent that link naturally
is in its actual realization to curiously
just attribute it to Harry and Meghan!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
7 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
I guess that if you're one of the multiple numbers of deeply ingrained, toxically verminous scum that have been rather assiduously brought up in convict inured, with the societally entrenched concept of a delusional Terra nullius Australia, which you yourself staunchly believe in, clearly, notwithstanding that, the very indigenous Aborigines effectively having continuously lived in their indigenous homeland quite in excess of 66,000 years; and to essentially further embellish and consolidate in your absolutely, totally sick and noxious mind, your additionally entrenched racist Karen delusions also; and all this compounded by the realization of you being the clearly injudicious trollop that you are, you quite naturally couldn't hold on to your husband.

Who in addition to realizing what you, very immorally are, dumped you the sterile and hermaphrodite freak of nature, that clearly you still are, as you bitterly and egregiously envy all those women, including those you irrationally and caustically racially despise, like Meghan, who can and do have children of their own; something you will never ever biologically achieve!

A clearly debilitatingly, demoralizing state of affairs for you, poignantly reinforced too by the fact that now additionally as a quite clapped out, post-menopausal trollop, truly the only things you have to rely on and very specifically so additionally literally jump on is any populist and racist bandwagon that you can conveniently find; basically hoping that by doing so you'll hopefully get the vile and clearly malevolently induced, vacuous plaudits and sickeningly racist recognition which your entrenched vacuity desperately and earnestly yearns for, and which frankly is the only kind you can realistically clearly hope for!

Likewise, also, on the actual off chance in your pathetic case you might for your keen monarchical brownnosing get a very minor gong, like the MBE, pertinently so to a very defunct Empire, that last century distinctly and effectively ceased to exist!

Also, rather self-evidently the drug dealing, wife beating Gary Goldsmith and his ilk do appeal to certain types - effectively lowlife scum, specifically!


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