
Banning marches you prejudicially don’t like? Get real!

By Stanley Collymore
In a genuine democracy, you just
can’t allow, nor should anyone
ever be actually able to pick
and choose which or simply what kind
of truly peaceful, democratic protests
are allowed and purely so on a whim;
clearly irrational, undue or concerted
pressure by significantly well-heeled
other actually influential persuaders
or for that matter rather strictly as a
consequence of the really ingrained
biases against those simply hoping
to obviously participate, in any kind
of march, linked naturally and quite
self-evidently too with the requisite
antipathy of those bodies, crucially
and simply, unquestionably tasked
quite obviously authoritatively with
the distinct mandate to grant such
permission for marches generally!
Since to accord such biased and
crucially detrimental treatment
to any group, or organization
really; and, prospectively, of a peaceful
disposition would distinctly, and most
ironically, very specifically discernibly
go against every significantly worthy
thing that simply actually effectively
and most crucially evidently, Britain
stands for, and most ironically also
all those quite arbitrarily calling for
those bans openly but purportedly
claim, that they rather tenaciously
do really vigorously stick to these
simply democratic notions which
however, from a simple objective
perspective, on the part of a very
neutral observer, they apparently
simply want, to naturally deny to
all those that they discrimatorily
hate! However, notwithstanding
that! Quite bluntly, honestly and
simply objectively, who’d be the
moral adjudicator effectively of
what was allowed and crucially
what wasn’t? The same people
who’re obviously, complaining?
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 April 2024.

Author's Remarks:
An Israeli government agent and ardent provocateur is Mr. Falter who is clearly well known for his sick exploits to gain attention for whatever he is up to at that specific moment in time.

On the day of this specific march against ongoing Israeli genocide in Palestine and his encounter with that admirable police officer from the Metropolitan Police Force, Mr Falter was no simple religious devotee walking home after a service at the nearby synagogue. So it's no coincidence that he was there. There's also simply, irrefutable evidence that Mr Falter had reconnoitred the area and also the known route of the march long before the latter took place and was clearly seen doing so, and also crossing the same stretch of road without any hindrance to himself.

So by no stretch of any imagination other that a malignantly egregious and a clearly discernibly sick and self-entitled one can it rationally be thought, said or claimed, that this guy was a target of anyone other than his pathetic self.

The asininely perceived and mercenary exploited perennial victims Mr Falter's sort who conveniently forget that it was they who started the TransAtlantic Slave Trade in my ancestral homeland of Barbados, and that lasted considerably longer than the period they like to highlight in 1930s Europe, and where allegedly 6 million of them were said to have been killed; no mention on their part of the millions more, the Gypsies and the derogatorily referred to Rhineland Niggers, who unlike Mr Falter's Zionist Yids and evidently genocidal lot are repugnantly ongoingly receiving billions in Wiedergutmachung Compensation simply from Germany, that none of the other real European holocaust victims or simply their relatives have to this day receive a solitary Deutschmark!

Not dissimilar from the TransAtlantic Slave Trade where my ancestors and clearly also other similar victims likewise got nothing. But there are Yids to this day, who like all the ones that got billions for enforcedly giving up Slavery, get compensation still. Like David Cameron and his own wife for instance, who're by no stretch of the most vivid imagination the only ones.

Perfectly alright for these very generations down the line of slave owners to be rather handsomely compensated at the time, and while the freed slaves and essentially their offspring got nothing, for all those of these descendants to be so financially rewarded but it's undoubtedly taboo to even suggest that reparations should simply be made to genuine victims and not simply mercenary Zionist Yid ones, who obviously make the Third Reich's 1930 activities compared and contrasted with the barbaric theft, and the vile, apartheid genocide of the Palestinian people look like child's play. And yet clearly your sort Mr Falter do still asininely in your sick and perverted self-entitlement wonder why discernibly conscionable people of all walks of life and ethnicities, are obviously marching and equally protesting on behalf of the Palestinian people being effectively genocided before our very eyes!

Long live Palestine and the highly commendable people who are its rightful and very evidently indigenous citizens! And God bless all those across Britain and the wider world communities who altruistically and morally do also, commendably support you against your genocidal mass murderers!

There must never ever be allowed to consolidate in Palestine the asinine, contemptuous and toxically egregious, malevolent and ludicrously delusional notion of Palestine either being or ever was a Terra nullius entity as still dementedly pertains quite flamboyantly in that Antipodean country, arbitrarily renamed as Australia and with similarly like-minded white racist supremacist lowlifes in Israel requisite to their attitude to the Palestinians, who perceive the indigenous Aborigines as non-existent, even though they've been living continuously for in excess of 66 thousand years before the white man and woman even knew the place existed, and shouldn't even be dignified with the courtesy of being called human beings. No way must this be allowed to happen a second time and most ironically be a people who like quite mercenarily none the less to portray themselves as the perennial victims. And if it needs World War 3 to finish off what the Germans admirably started but did finish in the 1930s; then so be it!


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