
Arise your Majesty King William 1st of the United States of America!

By Stanley Collymore
What a stupid poll, if indeed it was
actually carried out in the first
place, and undoubtedly not
ludicrously made up; with the only thing
more idiotically about it being, that the
Daily Mail unquestionably reported it!
Well they would; wouldn’t they? So is
William Windsor now going to stake
his clear supposedly populist claim
as monarch of the USA? Irrefutably
it would seem, going by what does
usually pass, as obviously rational
Daily Mail logic you’re evidently at
liberty to literally, very punishingly
hate, undoubtedly democratically
elected politicians; but obviously
under no possible circumstance
whatsoever must you irrefutably
innocuous peasants think of let
alone be ever disloyal to a birth
lottery, actually unquestionably
and distinctively unelected too
a non-renewable king nor their
significantly approved of heirs.
What we’re really witnessing is
rags like the Daily Mail going
full tonto earnestly seeking
to promote the Windsors. An outmoded
rather discernibly Middle Ages mind-set
Klan whose own popularity, in reality, is
falling clearly significantly quicker than
the comedic allegedly Queen Camilla’s
knickers, customarily did in the 1970s;
when in reality the Windsor family is a
global laughing stock, and no amount
of pathetically ludicrous PR on any of
their part, including that of a crucially
very malign boring and baldy William
is realistically basically ever going to
change that. Since in essence these
very unwarrantedly, rather obviously
overtly privileged; simply massively,
freeloading, egregious, white racist
scum, are distinctly and undeniably
in effect the proverbial dead parrot.
(C) Stanley V.  Collymore
10 August 2023.

Author's Remarks:
The fact that William has been clubbed into a poll with the likes of Trump and Biden is essentially a damning indictment that these intellectually challenged, brownnosing sycophants don't actually get it. But then their dim-wittedness makes them what they self-evidently are!

Even in the UK William’s obsessive, social-climbing stalker and resilient waiter on him to propose to her, a waiting game that effectively paid off some 10 plus years later, Catherine, “Waity Katie” Middleton, is ostensibly among the fawning and brownnosing monarchists significantly more popular than William; yet he’s the one slated to be the next monarch of Britain. So are we to assume that today’s Americans whose predecessor colonists fought for any won their independence in 1776, are sorrowful that they are no longer colonists?

If you believe that then I would like to point out that I know of someone in London who has a bridge that he would like to sell to all you supposedly gullible Americans. Lol.

And if you're all that keen on William and the rest of the Windsors I've no objection as a British Citizen in allowing you Americans to comprehensively take over the financial upkeep indefinitely of these already multi-billionaire grifters. Bet you won't be that keen on such an idea! So easy to fancy and worship something or someone when you don't have to pay for it, eh?


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