By Stanley Collymore No sensible and intelligent person… of whom I’m one amongst them, is distinctively arguing about Freddie Owens’ guilt or innocence…
By Stanley Collymore The Palestinians quite evidently having had their country taken from them and clearly to this actual day still barbarically subj…
By Stanley Collymore It would be laughable really if the concept wasn’t quite so absurdly, pathetic! Britain, still, to all you undoubtedly delu…
By Stanley Collymore You’ve skydived into my life quite emphatically and ever since that magical moment I’ve been operating on a wholly
site uses cookies. Poems Dark Members of the UK’s… Members of the UK’s monarchy, our… By Stanley Collymore Philip Schofield’s private life
By Stanley Collymore Namibians who’ve languished quite appallingly in absolute barbaric servitude under Germany’s autocratic rule when this distinct…
By Stanley Collymore Madness surely! Flavia Alvaro a 63 year old Italian single woman really travelling to supposedly war decimated Ukrain…
By Stanley Collymore We were both massively turned on b… and the prime opportunity to stren… assist this auspicious state of af… obviously and decidedly there; two
By Stanley Collymore Why is suicide generally frowned upon and the person who has committed it usually seen as or even castigated and distinct…
By Stanley Collymore I know well enough that because of… circumstances in your life, heavil… the past, I have neither a legal n… entitlement to a love-affair with…
By Stanley Collymore Heaven rejoiced and the earth, whi… was richly blessed the day that yo… were born Susan, was filled with its merriment and a tangible air
By Stanley Collymore The Windsors: A typical dysfuncti… British family that would be just… home, on your average council estate with multiple ruined marria…
By Stanley Collymore Dance with the ferocity of the win… let the untamed fury that it unlea… disperse with dismissive and lasting disdain the vicious
By Stanley Collymore I’ve rather reluctantly come to the conclusion that it’s absolutely terrible in the UK how some working class and
By Stanley Collymore “Help us please! We can’t get on Facebook and clearly haven’t eaten for some five hours!” I quite personally do feel sorry f…