
Anyone can love anything, particularly when they’re not paying for it!

By Stanley Collymore
The Daily Mail quite ad nauseum
tells those who’re enthused by
what it has to say as well as
authentically academically qualified and
essentially quite professional journalists
like myself for whom it’s part and parcel
normally in a day’s work to undoubtedly
monitor, what these Nazi rightwing rags
do always say, just how unquestionably
talented Kate Middleton is, equally how
she was discernibly very destined to be
a world tennis playing star but basically
naturally very selflessly, of course, quit
this clearly enthralling career pursuit to
raise her three children instead– rather
than pursue glory on the tennis courts!
Dream on! Unquestionably, Kate is simply
another, but actually younger Camilla!
And literally speaking of the Devil,
how much more taxpayers money are all
these Windsor multi-millionaires going to
spend essentially propping up their egos
with really pointless junkies? And please
just for once, intelligently desist from the
lying drivel about tourism revenue which
they supposedly bring in, as that literally
unfounded canard, has been repeatedly
also, similarly, distinctively, authentically
and irrefutably discounted, innumerable
times before. The veritable truth is, that
your Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Mountbatten,
alias Windsor family, has manifestly so
been an absolute drain on financial, as
well as other crucial diverse resources.
Moreover, they have routinely and
unduly interfered with the UK’s
political processes, like for
instance when Liz Windsor restricted the
then British government in 1965 and too
all subsequent ones from basically ever
including either her, her Klan members,
their entire households and chosen on
the sole basis, of them being distinctly
white Caucasian, their employed staff
from ever being subjected in any way
to the Race Relations Act. While also
ensuring that their deeply embedded
distinctly effective white supremacist
mind-set, and convivial Ku Klux Klan
philosophy stayed intact, and clearly
unaffected to this distinct day, within
this 21st Century. But seriously, why
should they care, as it is merely the
citizens: very few of us basically, as
it happens and who rightly insist on
been distinctly regarded as such in
evidently class infested Britain and
not the toxic, surfeit of sycophantic
serfs making the UK look pathetic!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
7 July 2023.

Authors Remarks:
The British monarchy has actually successfully exploited the mass media of Britain, principally through undoubtedly hugely financially bribing them, to specifically in the very process of doing so, convince the gullible and easily manipulated British public that like toxic verminous scum swarm all over the place, that the Windsor members are someone special and unquestionably so considerably better than everyone else; when in reality these unremarkable Saxe-Coburg-Gotha- Mountbatten-Windsors do nothing but actively represent the continuity of inequality!

#Contempt #Greed

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