
And me too, publicly and clearly conveniently shouts the odious, vulturine egoist Nadine Dorries!

By Stanley Collymore
Quite bluntly I don’t believe a solitary
word that this plainly malevolently
egregious, actually egotistically
inured, discernibly rabid attention seeker and
toxically, though pathetically so, significantly,
basically vaingloriously, virtue-signalling and
post-menopausal hag, is lyingly stating! This
sprog, obviously born on the 21st May 1957,
allegedly sexually assaulted by a vicar when
she was aged nine and thus mathematically
a situation that would have very purportedly
occurred in 1966, but which Nadine actually
obviously, simply never informed anyone of,
not even her parents let alone very crucially
but outrageously and justifiably, involve the
police! But instead, kept stoically quiet over
the years as regards this dreadful abuse of
herself, even when, she became an elected
MP and actually a Cabinet Minister to boot
in a Tory Government; and obviously could
very easily have named her alleged abuser
rather openly in Parliament under the laws
that very explicitly categorically guarantee
MPs specifically, parliamentary immunity!
Thus naming, shaming and similarly
having this alleged sexual abuser
of hers in tandem distinctively
with his similarly very predatory associates
lawfully prosecuted, and evidently if legally
found guilty expediently and demonstrably
specifically imprisoned. Literally incredibly
and rather questionably nothing of the sort
occurred but obviously with the now rather
very openly alleged, and damned predator
aptly dead, the ostensibly very saintly and
magnanimous Nadine Dorries, totally very
aware that he’s no longer around, to really
rebut her allegations, that are both simply
self-servingly, fully attention-seeking, and
also additionally compensationary driven
she’s crucially evidently at liberty to trash
this man’s reputation, with toxic impunity.
Leading inevitably to the current witch
hunt now very malignantly openly
directed quite simply against
the former Archbishop of Canterbury Justin
Welby, quite literally because he’s neither a
Nazi aficionado, quite essentially like those,
including Nadine Dorries that are intimately
associated with, and are specifically on the
payroll of those media and obviously MSM
rags just like the Daily Mail, and is similarly
a literally staunch supporter, is Archbishop
Justin Welby, of openly and commendably
Transatlantic Slavery Reparations! So very
obviously, and evidently similarly naturally
in the eyes of all these entrenched racists
and delusional, white supremacist bigots;
it’s extraordinarily open season therefore,
by these evil very fatuously moronic men
and women to unsurprisingly, quite evilly
spew their vitriolic spite and endemically
vile, sickly engineered verminous-toxicity
crucially on simply conscionable, human
beings like the Archbishop Justin Welby!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 November 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Justin Welby, quite irrefutably, wasn't ordained into the priesthood and as a clergyman of the Church of England until June 27, 1993 clearly at which time Nadine Dorries was discernibly 36 years old; and according to Nadine herself she was sexually assaulted at the age of 9. So unless this alleged sexual assault of Nadine actually carried on continuously and well into adulthood, I don't see how Justin Welby could have known about it, and specifically as she, herself, never reported it to anyone including her very own parents.

Furthermore, Justin Welby wasn't enshrined as the Archbishop of Canterbury until the 21st March 2013, so can hardly be responsible for what allegedly and clearly quite questionably happened to a 9 year old girl in 1966. Equally also Justin Welby had successful a career in the oil industry before he became an ordained priest, so I can't really see how any intelligent person can lay the decades and centuries old blemishes of the Church of England simply at the feet of Justin Welby or Meghan and Harry for that matter! But the Daily Mail, its hacks and puerile intellectually challenged morons and toxically verminous scum trolls will, as they do with everything they're simply told to, find a way!

How anyone can live such meaningless lives really beats me! Evil.


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