Author’s remarks:
This poem is dedicated to Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale in thankful appreciation for your demonstrable courage, so explicitly shown, combined with your committed determination not to bend the knee in abject genuflexion to the pernicious demands of racist imperialism and western neo-colonialist thuggery.
For my part, it’s a timely warning too to all the abysmally pathetic, congenitally inbred and racist morons who, lemming-like, commute on the Number 23 Metrobus Service that operates between Crawley and Worthing in West Sussex, England and back. A state of affairs that Metrobus would do well to promptly acquaint itself with, properly and impartially investigate on the spot, and then uncompromisingly stamp out unless it wants to make it into the headlines for all the wrong reasons.
Elaborating further on this particular loathsome and exceptionalist, white Caucasian theme, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown is more than capable enough of defending herself and doesn’t need any help from me in that regard. But if Michael Fabricant, the Conservative MP for Lichfield, feels he has the right to freedom of expression, however odious or idiotic his views are, a stance I wholeheartedly support in his and everyone else’s case, why then does he spoil that impartial approach by gratuitously threatening unproved violence to someone who wasn’t in any kind of altercation with him or even a discussion come to that – as Yasmin Alibhai-Brown quite evidently wasn’t - but whose spoken opinions he nevertheless self-centredly, rather stupidly and Colonel Blimpishly disapproved of?