
A woman supporting her husband? Not what these slags signed up for!

By Stanley Collymore
Whatever has happened to the
religious, moral and as well
as the societal concept
“for better or for worse; for richer
or poorer”; or did this narcissistic
slapper only marry her husband,
not for love but basically his pay
cheque; and, now, because he’s
quite unfortunately temporarily
lost this viable earning capacity
rather obviously her real self is
now undeniably, evidently and
brutally too selfishly revealed?
Ah, those women who clearly
only married because of the
jobs the men have, and the
incomes they essentially, bring in.
My personal view: men on rather
awfully quite literally discovering
they’re married to such basically
puerile women should distinctly
rather hurriedly get the Hell out
of their relationship; unfailingly,
rapidly divorce these unnatural
pathetically selfish and likewise
self-serving prats, and move as
far away physically, from them,
as is actually humanly possible
to do, and really stay that way!
Multitudinously, men have
both happily and likewise
assiduously, enduringly
financially supported their wives
and invariably done so naturally
and essentially, traditionally for
numerous decades; loathsome
and evilly regrettably, however
it would now appear; and also
ironically too, in what’s clearly
a rather definitively supposed
gender equality, 21st Century,
that when the boot markedly;
is obviously effectively on the
other foot women universally
aren’t especially keen on any
role reversal; even when the
exigency means emergency.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
12 February 2023.

Author's Remarks:
It would be automatically expected for a husband to support his wife if she was looking for work or even as a stay at home wife; essentially so with or without children to care for.

Sadly, however, not the other way round in the so-called Western World of selfish, self-serving, quite intellectually challenged, attention seeking, financial grasping and predominantly white western slappers!

#Greed #Selfishness

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