Author’s Remarks
Actually knowing that you’re in love and having that love fully reciprocated is one of several astonishing things possible in one’s life; itself fortified with the excellent and truly self-satisfying feeling of encountering this remarkable experience and mutually sharing it with that valued individual in your life. However, to unrealistically or worst still rather delusionally persuade one’s self that a tangible or even a consequential love relationship is in the prospect of happening or actually does exist when no such thing is in vogue or remotely possible is altogether a wholly different issue which a competent, professionally qualified and considerably experienced psychiatrist is far more fittingly suited to deal with.
So at this St. Valentine’s time that like all previous ones, and completely depending on your own and, dare I say, decidedly subjective personal perspective is characterized as infamous and consequently highly irrelevant, or else as noteworthy and therefore must be consummately treasured in every possible way, I wish you all the very best and hope that you truthfully manage to work out for yourself which is the more commonsensical or appropriate of these two contradictory alternatives in your case. But either way that you have a wonderfully pleasurable time while doing so.