By Stanley Collymore I’m very positive that I’m not th… one who closely observes humanity and accordingly wonders how the Creator could thus possibly have
By Stanley Collymore He’s white, British, sixty two ye… Oxfordshire England with his fema… year-old daughter; oh and in case… name is Kevin Sheehan. Kevin to t…
By Stanley Collymore Personally, I genuinely do feel t… essentially quite actually moving Stephen, and moreover so back to Britain, is simply wrong! Step…
By Stanley Collymore Just curious to know from all the self-righteous virtue signalling idiots and significantly also the surfeit of unquestionably dim-…
By Stanley Collymore Stewart Lucas Murrey obviously speciously lauded as a simply highly intelligent and equally unquestionably a competent and cle…
By Stanley Collymore You were much more than my Englis… were also my Sunday School Teache… mentor, and as I grew into adultho… trusted friend just like you were…
By Stanley Collymore Money and its accompanying status literally bring power and with tha… the carte blanche to do pretty much what the beneficiary pleases.…
By Stanley Collymore I don’t know if we shall ever meet again, but rest assured I shall always
By Stanley Collymore Ten years old, and on the eve of t… secondary education at the 17th Ce… and prestigious grammar school I w… attend my maternal grandmother who…
By Stanley Collymore How could Martin Bashir or the BBC likely have been remotely responsible re the willing actions of an
By Stanley Collymore. I’m a dedicated and unabashed miso… have proudly been so from my earli… afterwards consistently throughout… accordingly, don’t in the least bi…
By Stanley Collymore The Palestinians quite evidently having had their country taken from them and clearly to this actual day still barbarically subj…
By Stanley Collymore Adultery is like living on the edg… of a precipice– you don’t know if or when you’ll fall off it, or how difficult the
By Stanley Collymore Why do we needlessly keep cherishi… when in actuality there’s no diffe… any of them? I say this because I… the time when there was a clear di…
By Stanley Collymore The British monarchy has rather routinely clearly successfully exploited the mass media, simply invariably through bribes f…