
A.N. Wilson– what a total cunt! Truly desirous of genuine democracy isn’t being forced into any of your sick alternatives!

By Stanley Collymore
Do you A.N. Wilson and your equally
likeminded, fatuous monarchical
sycophantic fans realize that
you could quite easily have had Andrew
as king, if basically he’d been fortunate
enough to significantly have born first?
And actually incredibly, why do all your
quite puerile sort, always assume that
intelligent persons will actually dream
up as literally their alternatives, to this
rampantly odious and unquestionably
also; specifically, toxically verminous;
undoubtedly dysfunctional and rather
distinctively, simply evilly, monarichal
system, discernibly ridiculous people
as your evident smoke screen states;
and asininely, in your very sick minds
always dependably evidently stupidly
and also unquestionably put forward
as, obviously, absolute certainties, to
be Britain’s President or other simply
democratic alternative, if this odious
Windsor lot was permanently got rid
of and shorn of their felonious gains.
In 2013 the precise year George
Windsor was born a total of
778,803 live babies were
likewise born in Britain and so one can
quite realistically assume that most if
not all of them are British citizens. So
does George’s rather undeniably very
racist, white-supremacist Yid mother
Kate Middleton, likewise A.N. Wilson
or any other similarly rather purblind
cunt simply realistically think that of
all these children so obviously really
born in the literally rather same year
as George never mind all the others
unquestionably, significantly simply
born previously or else undoubtedly
quite subsequently to him; who are,
similarly British citizens but crassly
and likewise, instinctively regarded
as actually obviously unqualified to
effectively aspire to be or generally
naturally, essentially become Head
of State of Britain! And thus simply
firmly attendant with that distinctly
actually laughable specifically held
and patently ludicrous assumption
that George Windsor exclusively, is
suitably qualified; wholly expressly
on the effectively idiotic basis that
his rather presumptively perceived,
birth right father– William Windsor,
did manage to simply successfully
discharge his spunk accordingly in
the fanny of his forthcoming mum
Kate Middleton; and consequently,
he was thus apparently the first of
her crucially, three sprogs to really
under the UK’s fucking daft feudal
monarchical rules, to undoubtedly
appear! What prevalent vile idiocy!
Imagine, and seriously think on
it for a few minutes; giving the
top job, the Head of State, in
the UK, or actually anywhere else for
that matter and obviously in what is
essentially, supposedly a democracy
to somebody, whose rather, solitary
“merit” is very undoubtedly having
a title, invented in the Dark Ages; a
situation, simply actually asininely
and distinctly compounded by just
two, solitary facts: complementing
each other! Distinctively the fanny
he or she literally simply emerged
from and equally to that who shot
his spunk there! And quite clearly
if you obviously still can’t see that
this obviously dysfunctional, very
obviously, quite undoubtedly also
very literally, incestuously inbred
Windsor family has really caused
such endless embarrassment and
harm to the people of Britain and
elsewhere globally; alas with you
ongoingly and obviously stupidly
looking up to them as you clearly
do and furthermore believing all
the wilfully lying shit which they
basically routinely relay through
their irrefutably very generously
bribed media sycophants simply
to the likes of you, then basically
you literally deserve each other!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
These pathetic monarchical sycophants are really so undoubtedly brainwashed that they simply quite distinctively hate ordinary British people, and essentially distinctively assume, that crucially only one of their vilely, so-called birth royals is ever suitable for the life long position of Head of State of the United kingdom.

This perverse, utterly class driven and thoroughly outmoded monarchical system that is likewise an irrefutably diabolical, malignant societal cancer in the 21st Century needs evidently to be permanently got rid of; as it distinctly, quite undoubtedly foments entrenched inequalities, societal disharmony, avid greed, entrenched discrimination of all sorts and is a cancerous entanglement of rapacious self-entitlement not based on any natural ability, genuine merit or noticeable intellectual acumen; but in essence and rather primarily so, on so-called birthright and quite hereditarily enforced familial connections!

Likewise this vile monarchical system is clearly also a deeply embedded, quite avaricious and a distinctly egregiously, basically mercenary institution that has routinely and rather mercilessly clearly enabled those who run and do benefit the most from this iniquitous system to unconscionably and ruthlessly exploit those whom they arrogantly perceive as the underclass, for their own selfish and most fatuously self-perceived as in situ by the Divine approbation of their rather twisted concept of God Almighty, very ongoing individual and collective benefit!

A system which is very overwhelmingly endorsed and avidly supported by quite racist, white Karens; and as such rather understandably truly makes intelligent, astute, and unquestionably undaunted, obviously, distinctively meritocratically mind-set individuals like myself, cringe in disgust at their incalculable stupidity and distinctly implacable, monarchical sycophancy; and who quite doubtlessly and contemptuously regard the valiant suffragettes as the "woke" individuals of their day! Lol!

#Racism #Stupidity

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