Author's Remarks:
Another convenient opportunity for the Savile Row tailors to clearly, essentially make more bespoke, military uniforms for these so-called royals that basically, quite evidently never ever do genuinely join the British Armed Forces let alone would realistically fight for Britain. But in essence are the classic patriots that will naturally, undoubtedly vociferously, enthusiastically and equally bellicosely fight to the last drop of someone else's blood in any real defence of Britain but unsurprisingly never willing to spill their own blood in such a cause. But actually have no problem whatsoever in literally and distinctly seeing themselves as the undoubted and similarly divine rulers of this United Kingdom.
This is precisely how the Windsors get things! They are either granted them or have them handed out to them. Since in actuality they've never earned a solitary thing in their pathetic and useless lives; and frankly wouldn't know the feeling of achievement if it were to quite basically unquestionably and proverbially simply literally actually jump out and bite them on their quite unwarrantedly privileged, and utterly useless asses!