Colin Goedecke

Toward the Lavender Hour

for Louis & Suzanne

You, Picasso aigu
in your summer straw
shading blue eyes and
sailor stripes, juggling
a bubble of cold wine.
Your long demoiselle
sheathed in black,
head full of blond
oak leaves; hydrangea eyes;
begonia lips
blossoming a kiss.
The fragrant hedges
bumbling with morning
memories of bees;
now lushed
with evening sun
and soon a layer
of lavender light.
Here under the swishing of
clouds soft over the lawns,
and the fields singing
with redwings and pizzicatos
from the darkening boughs.
Where an eyeful of moon
will peer in to see us
savoring the night.
Colin Goedecke
out on the South Fork
Long Island
July 1998
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