Colin Goedecke

May All Be Revealed

an intention & invocation round the Great Solar Eclipse of 2024

When the Moon
moves between our Sun,
Earth and up-raised eyes,
through the long-held breath
of our wisdom-keepers,
the long-held dreams
of our vision-questers,
may there be
not a great darkening,
but a great lightening,
of spirit,
uplifting of heart.
Not an obscuring,
but a long-sought clearing.
A removing of veils.
A removing of spells.
May the hidden truths
of our lives be revealed,
the tides
of all consciousness rise,
and this fleeting eclipsing
become a lasting opening
to the deepest renewing,
the fullest restoring,
of our planet’s well being,
of the whole world’s soul.
Colin Goedecke
from The Poetisphere
On the eve of the Solar Eclipse,
on the southern coast
of Rhode Island
7 April 2024

This poem, part intention, part invocation, part blessing, arose within me, with an immense feeling of possibility, on the cusp of this seminal cosmic event;

#cosmic #Earth #eclipse #eclipselover #greateclipse #moon #planet #possibility #rhodeisland #solareclipse #solareclipse2024 #soul #sun #thepoetisphere #visionquesters #wisdomkeepers

Other works by Colin Goedecke...
