Colin Goedecke

Live Deep

an invitation

How deeply
are you living,
How sense-deep.
How heart, and
mind deep.
Soul deep.
Are you
experiencing life.
Each passing day,
passing season.
Is it a life
in the shallows,
or is it being
in the marrow
of every moment.
Of every thought,
taste, touch, sight,
sound. Every heard
or uttered word.
In the fathoms
of every feeling.
Because below
the surface
is where
the real treasure is
buried, a great
fortune is
to be found.
If you’ve been there,
you’ve discovered
the endless riches.
If you haven’t,
you can begin to
take yourself
into the depths,
into the jewelled waters,
where every day
you can live full, live deep.
Colin Goedecke
Westerly-by-the-Sea, Rhode Island
April 2024

this was the lead poem composed for Floating Poetry Broadcast No. 206, "Live Deep," on living deeply.

#aliveness #colingoedecke #deepening #deeperlife #deeperself #deepliving #depth #goingdeeper #livedeep #livedeeply #rhodeisland #riches #thepoetisphere #treasure #westerlyri

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