Colin Goedecke

Let There Be Bread

an ode to the heavenliness of bread

The limpa from Scandinavia.
The ciabatta, and the michetta
from Italia, also known
as Rosetta.
The mantou from China.
The mollete
from sunny Spain.
The arepa from South America.
The babka from Poland.
The bara brith from Wales,
speckled with raisins,
currants and candied peel.
The Russian Borodinsky.
The Afghani bolani.
The French brioche,
boules and iconic wands
of crusty baguettes.
The Mexican tortilla,
hola and ole!
The Swiss cholemüs.
England’s Dickensian
crumpets, muffins,
and scones warm
from the oven ~
with or without
clotted cream.
Iran’s lavash and
Iraq’s samoon.
New York City’s fabled bagels,
Germany’s sehr lecker pretzels.
India’s chapatis,
parathas, uttapams.
From the seeded: carawayed,
poppied or sesame’d,
raisin’d, sunflowered.
To the toasted,
to a golden turn,
with butter,
honey or home–
made jam.
I could go on.
A world of bread
to fill our senses,
fill our bellies,
and memories;
raise our spirits,
like beautifully
rising dough.
Arising joy.
Colin Goedecke
Westerly-by-the-Sea, Rhode Island
March 2024

Composed as the lead poem for the Floating Poetry Broadcast "Calling All Bread~Lovers," show 203 on the Floating Poetry playlist on YouTube, that aired live March 27, 2024, now in replays. An exploration and celebration of bread in many forms, from the making to the breaking to the eating and sharing; the literal to the metaphorical.

#bread #breadbaking #breadlover #breadlovers #breadmaking #dailybread #odetobread

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