Consonants knock on my door I wish my witchboard away While hierophants lie on the floor I sit straight and pretend to pray Behemoth lies in my bed
The dust in my soul is whirled whi… is this decadence or just another… Drown the sorrow in beer, reconstr… cause this fever of generic youth… Your absence means nothing, nor do…
It rains and I wear sackclothnash… one more week of holiday-terror You taunt all my stuff and stashes watch me with your one-way mirror I scream for boys and toys
Rotting teeth, I lost my rune summer always comes late for me but the desperately dying fall of… has unveiled a surprising fate to… Im poking men in trash bins
Without my fire the world is so cr… But I can no longer have a rest without my desire Im a fool I count the days of my pallid ches… With cookies and ancient Hittites
They’ll check my wrist and I’ll f… I’m not the one you thought I was… Their holiest water let me drown, when his castrating kisses dragged… And tomorrow they’ll forget my fro…
Strong like a bear no, not really a story worth to te… read my mind and swear this was a date like a farewell Citation marks– Beware Kitsch
A hypocritic interview Im not where I shall be cut a holiday into two for trepidant hips to see Frantic songs and potatoes mesh
Say a prayer for a refugee with broken bones under the burden old songs remind of better days our fall from grace is disturbing Got blacker lungs within some hour…
Memories of a child earthed and heavenly pure Tame me while Im wild and vouchsafe me cosmic cure Soothe me with your moans
Will über den Schatten springen quietschlebendig ins Blaue hinein ich werde lernen zu singen dann bin ich auch nicht mehr allei… Hab so viel Schönes entdeckt
Ambient morning soundtrack, made f… its afternoon and my rooms been ha… Plausible Celts, salty skin licke… mirrors to the animals, vistas so… A cedar smell, the worlds not flat
Our earthly pleasures– celestial t… Nature by button– Ill feel alive… Broken supine– in a summer hole Grotesque and far-out, Ive played… Better than average and north of m…
Pure inspiration, pure infatuation… now I found remedy in intoxication…
Misunderstand me again But I wont repeat it this time I cut the promising hand progressive high and sublime A winters mind dressed for May to…