Christopher Nyquist

I stared deep...

I stared deep into those eyes of yours and proceeded to tell a lie
I wasn’t sure you’d catch my depths so I had to tell that lie.
And now you stand flabbergasted, all because of that fucking lie.
And then when the thunder and the rain came
I did something you couldn’t expect.
Because why would you know me? Sense me, feel me, thrill me, anything me but watch me, hate me, love me, pulsate with me in this chaotic mess of emotion, thought, lust and wonder.
Back to that infamous moment a moment ago
When I promptly unfolded the chair and stole the show
Starry-eyed wonder, bubble popped
Seemingly stopped and frozen in time.
Was it because I couldn’t be honest?
Was it because you couldn’t sense the truth?
Was it because I enjoy playing more than I do anything else?
Was it a turning of the frost?
Or will I rationalize it as the innocence of youth?
Can I expect you to assay the whimsical fleeting health?
And now I’m laughing, grinning, wide split open
At my own concoctions
And I cannot help but wonder
Why the word asunder is so often found
In prose and pretty folded words
Origami in purpose, airplanes seeking home in reality
Climbing trees for a better glimpse
A better sense of purpose.
Oh those eyes, lying to themselves.
Am I so shameful in my prose
To deliver what one thought was a rose
But pricked you were
And alive you are, now.
What you did not see, you now feel.
What you did not feel, you now taste.
What you did not taste, you now absorb.
And what you absorb is a frightening prospect of optimism.
Swallowed whole or cubed into tiny pieces
The message will remain the same.
You cannot let me in but why should it matter?
I’ll find you in due time, wandering the landscape
Wandering your mindscape
Emoting to the wind because She’ll listen without remorse.
Eh, one day he’ll listen to you too.
If you let him.
1 May 2016

No title.

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